
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Rian Toe Moo 1st Batch LuangPhoo BoonYalit, silver material uncut version

Rian Toe Moo 1st Batch LuangPhoo BoonYalit, silver material uncut version made 9 pieces only. Serial no 5. Blessed 2 times as the first time is during his 97 years old birthday, BE2554. The second blessing is during water festival. Toe Moo design showing the monk sitting in front of the altar, it gives a meaning that the monk is blessing for us day and night. LP's jeevorn is putting inside the amulet.
头帮Toe Moo铜牌LuangPhoo BoonYalit,银料没有切边,只制造9尊。这尊的编号是5号。开光念经两次。第一次是于BE2554师傅97岁生日时开光念经。第二次是于泼水节。Toe Moo的图案是师傅坐在神桌前面,就好像代表师傅日夜都在为我们​念经祈福。师傅的袈裟已经放在佛牌盒子里面。