
Saturday, June 23, 2012

Toe Moo 1st Batch LP Waen, Wat DoiMaePang BE2520, powder type

Toe Moo 1st Batch LP Waen, Wat DoiMaePang BE2520 (Year1977), powder type. LP Waen is one of the greatest disciple of the great AC Mun. Toe Moo design showing the monk sitting in front of the altar, it gives a meaning that the monk is blessing for us day and night. Come with original temple box.
龙普Waen,Wat DoiMaePang于佛历2520(1977年)加持的头帮Toe Moo。粉牌一套三尊,黑肉,红肉和白肉。龙普Waen是森林派祖师爷龙普曼的其中一位很出色的徒弟。泰王年轻的时候也常常去拜访师傅。Toe Moo的图案是师傅坐在神桌前面,就好像代表师傅日夜都在为我们念经祈福。这一套佛牌还连同佛牌的原装盒子。
CODE: 17021