
Sunday, April 1, 2012

Rian 3rd batch LP Sum Wat Pataiwiwet BE2514

Rian 3rd batch LP Sum Wat Pataiwiwet BE2514 at the age of 72 years old. LP Sum was the disciple of the great LP Dun Wat Buraparam. They are the great Dhammayut master. Reached Arahant Level and there are relics from their body after the cremation.
第三帮铜牌LP Sum Wat Pataiwiwet于BE2514开光。当时师傅是72岁高龄。LP Sum是伟大的LP Dun Wat Buraparam的徒弟。他们都是伟大的森林派静坐和尚。修行到达阿罗汉境界,并在火化后从身体留下舍利子。
CODE: 202018