Thursday, November 7, 2013
Phra Kring Chareoporn Wat Changhai BE2539
Phra Kring Chareoporn Wat Changhai BE2539. Nur Thong Thip. This batch of amulet is made to collection donation for building Khok Pho Hospital. The blessing ceremony held on 28th December BE2539 2.49PM. The amulets are hammered with codes and then the code were destroy in front of the people that attended the ceremony. Alot of great monks from that area attended the blessing ceremony including Ajahn Nong of Wat Saikow, LP Thong of Wat Sampaocher, LP Keow of Wat Hui Ngor & the others.
药师佛Chareonporn瓦沧海佛历2539。黄铜料。此批佛牌是为了Khok Pho医院建筑筹款而制造的。此法会于佛历2539年12月28日下午2时49分举行。此佛牌有打上记号,而这个记号的工具也在众人面前摧毁。该地区的多位高僧一同出席了这次的法会,这包括阿赞弄Wat Saikow,龙婆通Wat Sampaocher,龙婆乔Wat Hui Ngor等等。在2012年2月14日,Sukhumvit 71 路,当一名警察想要扣留两名伊朗恐怖份子的时候,恐怖份子向警察丢了一枚手榴弹。奇迹般的那枚手榴弹弹回一名恐怖份子处,并把他的双脚炸掉了。而这名警察则安然无事。当时候他正佩戴着与这尊药师佛一同加持的龙婆托佛牌。
CODE: 304013