Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Second Batch Takrut Nang Kwai Kruba Chum Wat Wang Muy BE2510
Second Batch Takrut Nang Kwai Kruba Chum Wat Wang Muy BE2510. This takrut mixed with buffalo fetus skin which the buffalo fetus is died in the womb and the female buffalo was strike by lighting. Rare & limited quantity. Come with Pra Muang certificate for authenticity. Takrut Nang Kwak from KB Chum is one of the Top 5 Kreung Lang in North Thai.
Kruba Chum learned the vicha of making Takrut Nang Kwai from Great Master Maha MeThungKron of Wat May Thong Gon Wanaram. KB Chum spent around 2 years to learn all the vicha. As per feedback, Takrut Nang Kwai is very good particularly to avoid danger, Maha Ud, metta & wealth. KB Chum started to create Takrut Nang Kwai since BE2485. Each takrut is handwritten yant by KB Chum. Then it is covered with buffalo fetus skin, which the buffalo fetus is died in the womb and the female buffalo was strike by lighting.
第二期水牛皮符管,古巴春Wat Wang Muy,佛历2510。此符管的材料采自于一头胎死母牛腹中的牛胎儿皮,而母牛是被雷劈死的,十分罕有而且制造数量不多。获得Pra Muang佛牌协会颁发的验证卡。师傅的水牛皮符管是泰北5大圣物之一。
古巴春从导师Maha MeThungKron Wat May Thong Gon Wanaram身上学到制造水牛皮符管的方法。古巴春用了2年的时间来学习这些经文。很多反馈说,师傅的水牛皮符管对避险,刀枪不入,人缘以及招财很好。师傅于佛历2485年开始制造水牛皮符管。每支符管均为师傅亲手在铜片上写上经文,然后用水牛胚胎的皮包裹在符管上。此水牛胚胎是死于被雷劈死的母牛体内的,所以材料很难找,罕有。
CODE: 404006