
Saturday, April 4, 2015

First Batch Toe Moo Taimak (rain retreat 3 months blessing) LuangTa Boonnar, Wat PaSotThiPol BE2542

First Batch Toe Moo Taimak (rain retreat 3 months blessing) LuangTa Boonnar, Wat PaSotThiPol BE2542. Herb material, front with Luangta's jeevorn & hair. One of the most famous batch from Luangta and many incidents happen. Luangta Boonnar is one of the top dhammayut monk in Sakon Nakhon area.Toe Moo design showing the monk sitting in front of the altar, it gives a meaning that the monk is blessing for us day and night.
第一期法坛自身,龙达伯纳,Wat PaSotThiPol,佛历2542。这批佛牌师傅于这年的守夏季加持了三个月。药草料,佛牌前面有师傅的袈裟和头发。这是师傅其中一批最出名的佛牌,发生了很多事故。师傅是当今在Sakon Nakhon区域鼎鼎有名的森林派静坐系大师。法坛自身的图案是师傅坐在神桌前面,就好像代表师傅日夜都在为我们念经祈福。
CODE: 309024