
Saturday, July 25, 2020

SeePhueng Luang Phor Poh Wat Ban Bing

SeePhueng Luang Phor Poh Wat Ban Bing

SeePhueng Luang Phor Poh Wat Ban Bing. There is no exact year recorded when the SeePhueng was made. People believe it was made before BE2520 because Luang Phor Poh inserted the SeePhueng in the bottom of his Pidta in BE2521. Luang Phor Poh considered as the 2nd Top master who made good SeePhuang after Luang Phor Tab Wat Krabok. The height of the silver casing is around 2.8CM.
人缘膏,龙婆坡瓦班炳佛寺。没有详细的资料记载制作的年份。大家相信师傅的人缘膏是在佛历2520年前制作的,因为师傅在佛历2521年制作的必达佛有在底部塞了人缘膏。龙婆坡制造的人缘膏是继龙婆塔Wat Krabok之后,也是备受承认的大师。银壳的高度大约是2.8CM。
CODE: 2104007