Rian KliangTuk KliangSok KliangRok KliangPhay Luang Phor Kliang Wat Non Kaed BE2550. The back is Yant Solot Mongkhun. This is Nur Fabart, made 2,000 pieces only.
This Rian performed a miracle to help a group of teenagers who were fighting and were shot several times but the bullet did not go off. Then the enemy chased them with a knife and slashed their clothes until they were torn apart, but the knife did not hurt their skin. A friend in the group was shot and killed in the incident.
远离苦难,远离悲伤,远离病痛,远离危险自身铜牌,龙婆将Wat Non Kaed,佛历2550(2007年)。背面是十六吉祥经文。这尊是黄铜材质,只制作了2,000尊而已。
CODE: 2410003