Thursday, October 6, 2016

Lop Om Num Kor Phor Than Klai Wat Suankann BE2492

Lop Om Num Kor Phor Than Klai Wat Suankann BE2492

Lop Om Num Kor Phor Than Klai Wat Suankann BE2492. It was made to hand out during the ceremony Receiving The Fan of Rank (Len Samanasak). Nur Phong mixed with white plaster from chedi, sand, bee wax and chalk. Phor Than Klai wrote yant on a thin paper, roll and inserted in this lop om. It won No4 Placing in Thailand Amulet Competition in year 2012.
路翁Num Kor,金口和尚婆昙凯瓦蒜堪佛寺,佛历2492(1949年)。当年师傅被赐封升级的时候制造的。经粉参了舍利塔的白灰,沙土,蜜糖以及粉笔末。婆昙凯师傅会在一张小纸条写上经文,卷好之后塞进里头。于2012年在泰国佛牌比赛中荣获第四名。
CODE: 504030