Pidta PangPraKan Roon Goed Petra BE2543. Nur Nawa phim lek, made 632 pieces. Blessed by Archan Khunpan and others at Petra Island on 16th June BE2543. It won No3 Placing in Thailand Surat Thani Grand Amulet Competition on 4th May 2014. Attached with Gold Waterproof casing.
PangPraKan比达佛,伦Goed Petra,佛历2543(2000年)。九宝铜小模,只做了632尊。由阿赞坤潘以及其他高僧,于佛历2543年6月16日在Petra岛上加持。于2014年5月4日,在泰国素叻他尼大型佛牌比赛中荣获第三名。配上防水金壳。
CODE: 506029