Rooplor Luang Phor Ngern Roon Metta Barami Wat Tai Nam BE2542-2543. This is Nur Ngern and made 399 pieces only. Each amulet has unique number. This piece is Number 327. It has temple box. It has SamakomPhra Authentic Card. This Rooplor is encased with Gold waterproof casing. The height is around 2.5CM.
This batch of amulet blessed in 5 mass chanting ceremonies in 2 years' time. 2 of the blessing ceremonies held in Wat Bangklan. There were lots of holy material melted together including 109 baht of gold. As per record, Luang Phor Ngern himself appeared and joined the blessing in 1 of the blessing ceremonies. There were hundreds of famous monks participated in the blessing ceremony, one of them was Luang Phor Moon Wat Ban Jan.
龙婆银佩戴型小立尊,伦Metta Barami,瓦泰楠佛寺,佛历2542-2543(1999-2000年)。这是纯银材质,只制作了399尊而已。每尊佛牌有独立编号。这尊的号码是327。连同寺庙盒子。获得萨玛空验证卡。这尊小立尊已包了防水真金壳。佛牌的高度大约是2.5CM。
CODE: 2202003