Friday, December 1, 2023

Rian Phra Puttha Metta Tor Ayut Luang Phor Prasit Wat PaaMooMai BE2551

Rian Phra Puttha Metta Tor Ayut Luang Phor Prasit Wat PaaMooMai BE2551

Rian Phra Puttha Metta Tor Ayut Luang Phor Prasit Wat PaaMooMai BE2551. Nur Thongdeang with code สS, Phim Niyom. This batch of amulet made in very less quantity, where as Nur Thongdeang 1,000 pieces, Nur Takua 30 pieces and Nur Ngern 20 pieces. It soaked in Holy Water from 14th July BE2551 until 16th January BE2552 which blessed by Luang Phor Prasit, therefore mostly there are water stain on the surface of the rian.
CODE: 2407003

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

3 Inches Pikanet Bucha Maha Mongkol 100 Luang Phor Kliang Wat Non Kaed BE2550

3 Inches Pikanet Bucha Maha Mongkol 100 Luang Phor Kliang Wat Non Kaed BE2550

3 Inches Pikanet Bucha Maha Mongkol 100 Luang Phor Kliang Wat Non Kaed BE2550. Base inserted with Thepmanee Khot Wood powder, made 299 pieces only.
This batch of amulet blessed by Luang Phor Kliang when he was 100 years old. The objective is to use the income to restore the sanctuary inside the temple. Phra Pikanet and many Heaven Gods attended the blessing ceremony and stayed through the whole process with Luang Phor Kliang. The monks who joined the blessing ceremony are:
1. Luang Phor Kliang Wat Non Kaed, 100 years old
2. Luang Phor Pheng Wat Banlathai, 85 years old
3. Luang Phor Khambu Wat Kudchomphu, 86 years old
4. Luang Phor Thongbai Wat Khusikae
3寸供奉型象神玛哈蒙坤100,龙婆将Wat Non Kaed,佛历2550(2007年)。底部有Thepmanee Khot木碎粉,只制作了299尊而已。
1. 龙婆将Wat Non Kaed,100岁
2. 龙婆Pheng Wat Banlathai,85岁
3. 龙婆Khambu Wat Kudchomphu, 86岁
4. 龙婆Thongbai Wat Khusikae
CODE: 2305012A

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Phra Phong Kwong-Kwan Roon 4 Wat Paknam BE2514

Phra Phong Kwong-Kwan Roon 4 Wat Paknam BE2514

Phra Phong Kwong-Kwan Roon 4 Wat Paknam BE2514

Phra Phong Kwong-Kwan Roon 4 Wat Paknam BE2514. Phim Na Nang Blok Niyom. This batch of amulet chanted 3 months in BE2514 and were distributed to public on 23rd October BE2515. Material mixed with sacred powder of Phra Phong Kwong-Kwan Wat Paknam Roon 1-3, sea shell powder, riped banana, Mulee flower powder, precious stones powder like ruby, hair of Luang Phor Sodh, temple soil and others. It has SamakomPhra Authentic Card. This amulet encased with brand new Gold waterproof casing.
CODE: 2308001

Saturday, September 2, 2023

Phra Somdej 9 Chan Luang Phor Rith Wat Chonlaprathan BE2543

Phra Somdej 9 Chan Luang Phor Rith Wat Chonlaprathan BE2543

Phra Somdej 9 Chan Luang Phor Rith Wat Chonlaprathan BE2543. 
CODE: 2304009

Friday, September 1, 2023

Phra Somdej Luang Phor Rith Wat Chonlaprathan BE2544

Phra Somdej Luang Phor Rith Wat Chonlaprathan BE2544

Phra Somdej Luang Phor Rith Wat Chonlaprathan BE2544. 
CODE: 2304010

Thursday, August 3, 2023

Daolit Phim Yai NurPhong Luang Phor Plien Wat Aranyawiwake BE2542

Daolit Phim Yai NurPhong Luang Phor Plien Wat Aranyawiwake BE2542

Daolit Phim Yai NurPhong Luang Phor Plien Wat Aranyawiwake BE2542

Daolit Phim Yai NurPhong Luang Phor Plien Wat Aranyawiwake BE2542. Back with his holiness hair. This batch has 4 colors, Green, Black, Red & Yellow. Green color is the rarest. The height is around 4.1CM.
CODE: 2108006

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Phra Pidta Roon Leaum Sammanasak Luang Phor Kliang Wat Non Kaed BE2553

Phra Pidta Roon Leaum Sammanasak Luang Phor Kliang Wat Non Kaed BE2553
Phra Pidta Roon Leaum Sammanasak Luang Phor Kliang Wat Non Kaed BE2553. This is Red Phayung wood material, made 108 pieces only. The bottom inserted with Phong Phuttakhun, sacred wood powder, gold takrut, hair and engraved with a code. The back of the Pidta crafted with 9 Di 10 Di katha always used by Luang Phor Kliang. It mades for Luang Phor Kliang's 104 years old birthday. Luang Phor Kliang born on 10th October BE2451 and passed away  on 6th January BE2562 at the age of 111 years old.
必达佛伦步步高升,龙婆强Wat Non Kaed,佛历2553(2010年)。这尊是红Phayung木材质,只制作了108尊而已。佛牌的底部有普陀经粉,圣木经粉,金符管,头发以及一个印记。佛牌的后面刻有师傅常用的9Di10Di经文。这批佛牌是在龙婆强104岁生日的时候制作的。龙婆强于佛历2451年10月10日出生。师傅于佛历2562年1月6日圆寂,享年111岁。
CODE: 2404003B

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

First batch Phra Phrom Rian Luang Phor Pherm Wat Pom Kaew BE2544

First batch Phra Phrom Rian Luang Phor Pherm Wat Pom Kaew BE2544

First batch Phra Phrom Rian Luang Phor Pherm Wat Pom Kaew BE2544. This is Nur ThongPasom blok Thongkam. Phim Niyom. The height is around 4.2CM.
CODE: 2406002

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Rian KliangTuk KliangSok KliangRok KliangPhay Luang Phor Kliang Wat Non Kaed BE2550

Rian KliangTuk KliangSok KliangRok KliangPhay Luang Phor Kliang Wat Non Kaed BE2550

Rian KliangTuk KliangSok KliangRok KliangPhay Luang Phor Kliang Wat Non Kaed BE2550. The back is Yant Solot Mongkhun. This is Nur Ngern Green Longya, made 108 pieces only. Serial Number 90. It has original temple box.
This Rian performed a miracle to help a group of teenagers who were fighting and were shot several times but the bullet did not go off. Then the enemy chased them with a knife and slashed their clothes until they were torn apart, but the knife did not hurt their skin. A friend in the group was shot and killed in the incident.
远离苦难,远离悲伤,远离病痛,远离危险自身铜牌,龙婆将Wat Non Kaed,佛历2550(2007年)。背面是十六吉祥经文。这尊是纯银青龙牙材质,只制作了108尊而已。佛牌编号90。连同原装寺庙盒子。
CODE: 2410001

Monday, July 3, 2023

Rian Plodnee Kliang Ruay Maha Setthi Luang Phor Kliang Wat Non Kaed BE2558

Rian Plodnee Kliang Ruay Maha Setthi Luang Phor Kliang Wat Non Kaed BE2558

Rian Plodnee Kliang Ruay Maha Setthi Luang Phor Kliang Wat Non Kaed BE2558. This batch of amulet made to raise fund to restore Pagoda in Wat Non Kaed.
不负债百万富翁自身铜牌,龙婆将Wat Non Kaed,佛历2558(2015年)。这批佛牌是为了Wat Non Kaed寺庙修补舍利塔筹款而制作的。
CODE: 2410007

Sunday, July 2, 2023

Rian Pokkasarp Nangkwak Luang Phor Moon Wat Ban Jan BE2543

Rian Pokkasarp Nangkwak Luang Phor Moon Wat Ban Jan BE2543

Rian Pokkasarp Nangkwak Luang Phor Moon Wat Ban Jan BE2543. This piece is Nawa material and made 499 pieces only. The code is clear, good condition, 100% original skin, unworn condition. It has SamakomPhra Authentic Card. This Rian encased with brand new handmade 90% Gold waterproof casing, the Gold casing weight is around 5.77 gram, cost around 16,200 baht. The height is around 3.3CM.
Roon Saoha Mahasetthi blessed 5 times:
1. Firstly, pouring ceremony and blessed by Luang Phor Moon at Wat Pa Nong Lom on 27th February BE2543.
2. Then Luang Phor LaMay Wat Phothiyen (101 years old), Luang Phor Pian Wat Kron Kathin, Luang Phor Luay Wat Rachayotha, Luang Phor Phol Wat Non Thong, Luang Phor Chan Wat Nang Nhu, Luang Phor SinChai Wat Phothiyen and Luang Phor Thanom Wat Suthat blessed in Wat Suthat on 16th March BE2543.
3. After that Luang Phor Moon, Luang Phor Kong Wat Sramonthoon (102 years old), Luang Phor LaMay Wat Phothiyen, Luang Phor Inn Wat Ban Dan blessed in Wat Pa Nong Lom on 8th April BE2543 (Saoha Day). Luang Phor Suang came to do the chanting at 3am and left at 4.30am.
4. Later on, Luang Phor Moon blessed in Wat SabLamYai on 9th April BE2543.
5. Finally blessed in Wat Suthat on 30th April BE2543 9.19am. Total of 4 person chanted at 4 directions, they were Luang Phor Moon Wat Ban Jan, Luang Phor LaMay, Luang Phor Kong Wat Sramonthoon and Luang Phor Somchit Wat Ban Dan. Luang Phor Suang came to do the chanting at 2.30am.
2。于佛历2543年3月16日,由龙婆LaMay Wat Phothiyen(101岁),龙婆Pian Wat Kron Kathin,龙婆Luay Wat Rachayotha,龙婆Phol Wat Non Thong,龙婆Chan Wat Nang Nhu,龙婆SinChai Wat Phothiyen以及龙婆Thanom瓦苏塔佛寺一起在瓦苏塔佛寺加持。
3。于佛历2543年4月8日(吉祥日),由龙婆满,龙婆Kong Wat Sramonthoon(102岁),龙婆LaMay Wat Phothiyen,龙婆Inn Wat Ban Dan在瓦帕农隆佛寺加持。龙婆爽师傅于凌晨3点至4点半期间也来到加持。
5。于佛历2543年4月30日早上9点19分,在瓦苏塔佛寺加持。共有4位高僧于4个方向一同加持,他们是龙婆满,龙婆LaMay,龙婆Kong Wat Sramonthoon和龙婆Somchit Wat Ban Dan。当天凌晨2点30分龙婆爽也到来加持。
CODE: 2008009

Saturday, July 1, 2023

Phra Pidta PangPraKan Perd Sub Nur Mai Takian BE2565

Phra Pidta PangPraKan Perd Sub Nur Mai Takian BE2565

Phra Pidta PangPraKan Perd Sub Nur Mai Takian BE2565. This is Nur Mai Takian, made 499 pieces only. The wood is made of San Lak Mueang Takian Wood. It has temple box. The height is around 2.5CM. This batch of amulet blessed in 3 ceremonies:
1. 19th October 2021 mass chanting ceremony from 6:19AM to 11:19am Archan Khunpan house and bring the Takian Wood to the process of carving.
2. 22nd November 2021 mass chanting ceremony from 6:29AM to 11:59PM at San Lak Mueang, Nakhon Si Thammarat.
3. 17th January 2022 mass chanting ceremony at 6:19PM in Wat Khao Khun Phanom, Nakhon Si Thammarat.
必达佛旁巴干,伦Perd Sub,佛历2565(2022年)。这尊是Takian木材质,只做了499尊而已。这尊木的材质是采用San Lak Mueang Takian木雕刻而成。连同寺庙盒子。佛牌的高度大约是2.5CM。这批佛牌一共加持了3次:
1. 2021年10月19日从早上6点19分到11点19分,在阿赞坤潘的住家举行第一场加持法会然后才开始拿那块Takian木材料去雕刻。
2. 2021年11月22日从早上6点29分到11点59分,在San Lak Mueang那空是贪玛叻府举行第二场加持法会。
3. 2022年1月17日下午6点19分,在Wat Khao Khun Phanom那空是贪玛叻府举行第三场加持法会。
CODE: 2205002

The Lord Pang Pakan
Self-Shielding Spirit Figure
The 2022 series "Unlocking Fortune"
The command of Lord Jatuakarm-Ramathep said "The country would be in flames. I have waited for you for a thousand years. I want a City Pillar built by the Golden Hopea wood. The tree is now growing in the north of Nakhon-Sithamarat city and is waiting for you."
Mr. Khunphan on receiving the command from Lord Jatuakarm-Ramathep in a vision, traveled to the yellow-top mountain in Amphoe Noppitam district in search of the Golden Hopea tree. The tree chosen must have special features based on description in the textbook. For instance; it must have Kue-Phee (translated as the 'Ghost Beam') where the tree tops must form in a curve arch. Another feature is Long-Lohm (translated as the 'Wind Groove') where the tree roots form in with water channels.

There was a ritual performed by engraving consecrated scripts on the bamboo and placing them in the ground under two Hopea trees. Mr. Khunphan made a prayer, asking for permission from the tree spirit to uproot the trees for making the sacred city pillar. If his entreat is granted, may the tree leaves fall within 7 days. When he returned 7 days later, he found that the Hopea trees were leafless.
The sacred city pillar of Nakhon-Srithamarat city from the Golden Hopea tree was created 35 years ago and is still standing until the present time. The roots of the Hopea tree have been well maintained at the home of Mr. Na San Pantarak-Ratchadet, the eldest son of Mr. Khunphan. He followed the instruction given from his father (Pol. Maj.Gen.Khunpantarak-Ratchadet) to collect all the roots of the sacred Hopea tree so that they can be the substance for making sacred Amuletic objects.

Mr. Na San Pantarak-Ratchadet mentions that it is now the time to bring all the remaining parts of the sacred Hopea tree (synonymous with the City Pillar) to make sacred Amulets for sharing this goodwill to those people who have the same Faith of Muang Nakhon-Srithamarat city. Therefore, Mr. Na San Pantarak-Ratchadet himself, will be the ceremonial master by using all the teachings from his father and other famous masters he has studied from a young age.
At this event, the sacred amulets will be created in the form of "The Lord Pang Pakan Self-shielding Spirit Figure' who is regarded as 'the Lord who helps to Overcome Obstacles' and 'the Lord who bestows good fate'.
In Thai history, Lord Jatuakarm-Ramathep once helped the country's fate, turning it from bad into glory. At this moment, it is the time for the Lord Pang Pakan's Era to help us be released from the snare of darkness and can bring good fate and wealth to all the devotees.

Friday, June 9, 2023

First batch Silver Phra Phrom Rian Luang Phor Pherm Wat Pom Kaew BE2544

First batch Silver Phra Phrom Rian Luang Phor Pherm Wat Pom Kaew BE2544

First batch Silver Phra Phrom Rian Luang Phor Pherm Wat Pom Kaew BE2544. This is Nur Ngern, made 311 pieces only. This piece hs LP's handwritten yant. The height is around 4.2CM.
CODE: 2406014

Thursday, June 8, 2023

Rian KliangTuk KliangSok KliangRok KliangPhay Luang Phor Kliang Wat Non Kaed BE2550

Rian KliangTuk KliangSok KliangRok KliangPhay Luang Phor Kliang Wat Non Kaed BE2550

Rian KliangTuk KliangSok KliangRok KliangPhay Luang Phor Kliang Wat Non Kaed BE2550. The back is Yant Solot Mongkhun. This is Nur Fabart, made 2,000 pieces only.
This Rian performed a miracle to help a group of teenagers who were fighting and were shot several times but the bullet did not go off. Then the enemy chased them with a knife and slashed their clothes until they were torn apart, but the knife did not hurt their skin. A friend in the group was shot and killed in the incident.
远离苦难,远离悲伤,远离病痛,远离危险自身铜牌,龙婆将Wat Non Kaed,佛历2550(2007年)。背面是十六吉祥经文。这尊是黄铜材质,只制作了2,000尊而已。
CODE: 2410003

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Pidta Ruay Thancai Luang Phor Moon Wat Ban Jan BE2543

Pidta Ruay Thancai Luang Phor Moon Wat Ban Jan BE2543

Pidta Ruay Thancai Luang Phor Moon Wat Ban Jan BE2543. This is Nur Phong Kasin, Phong LekNamPhi and sprinkle Chamnuan Phra Kaew, bottom with 2 codes, made 300 pieces only. It won No1 Placing in Thailand Pantip Bangkapi Amulet Competition on 9th June 2019. It won No1 Placing again in Thailand Bangkok SamakomPhra Amulet Competition on 1st November 2020. This Pidta encased with handmade 90% Gold waterproof casing. The height is around 2.8CM.
Luang Phor Moon blessed this amulet for 3 months during the rainy season. On 29th October BE2543, the other monks who joined the blessing were:
1. Luang Phor Moon, Wat Ban Jan
2. Luang Phor Thim, Wat Phra Khao
3. Luang Phor Pherm, Wat Pom Kaew
4. Luang Phor Phun, Wat Phai Lom
5. Luang Phor Ruay, Wat Tako
6. Luang Phor Rith, Wat Chonprathan
7. Luang Phor LaMay Wat Phothiyen
8. Luang Pu Prasan, Wat Non Phueng
9. Luang Phor Key, Wat Sri Lamyong
10. Luang Phor Eid, Wat Phai Lom
11. Luang Phor Som, Wat Ban Dan
12. Chao Khun from Watthana Nakhon District
They blessed for about 5 hours. During the ceremony, people saw Luang Phor Moon used a wooden stick and wrote yant in the air to bless the sacred amulet. Then Luang Phor Moon opened his eye and talked to someone (But people cannot see who was he talking to). After the ceremony, Archan Joi asked Luang Phor Moon and he replied he was talking to Luang Phor Eia Wat Ban Dan. Luang Phor Eia blessed this sacred amulet as well. Later on, Archan Joi asked other masters:
1. Luang Phor Key said, many Angels and Lersi came together to bless this amulet. This set of sacred amulets is really good.
2. Luang Phor Rith said, the LekNamPhi is very powerful.
3. Luang Phor Phun said, the ceremony was very good, many Angels shared their gratitude.
4. Luang Phor Tim said, the blessing for metta mahaniyom is the best.
5. Luang Phor LaMay said, the LekNamPhi is holy, the Angels protected.
6. Luang Phor Eid said, klawklad is ready.
7. Luang Phor Ruay said, the name of Ruay Than Cai is auspicious.
1. 龙婆满瓦瓣沾佛寺
2. 龙婆添瓦帕考佛寺
3. 龙婆碰瓦蹦轿佛寺
4. 龙婆喷瓦排龙佛寺
5. 龙婆瑞瓦塔郭佛寺
6. 龙婆列瓦春拉帕谭佛寺
7. 龙婆拉迈Wat Phothiyen
8. 龙婆Prasan Wat Non Phueng
9. 龙婆基 Wat Sri Lamyong
10. 龙婆Eid, Wat Phai Lom
11. 龙婆Som, Wat Ban Dan
12. Watthana Nakhon区的高僧们
大家一起加持了大约5个小时。在场的人看到龙婆满师傅用一支木棍在空中写经文,并加持到圣物里。之后龙婆满师傅睁开眼睛,并与人对话(可是大家看不到师傅和谁对话)。法会结束后,阿赞Joi问龙婆满刚才是和谁对话?龙婆满回答说他是和龙婆Eia Wat Ban Dan说话,龙婆Eia也加持了这批圣物。然后阿赞Joi也访问了其他师傅:
1. 龙婆基师傅说,有很多天神和鲁士都来到一起加持这批佛牌,这是一批很好的圣物。
2. 龙婆列师傅说,力南皮矿石很强大。
3. 龙婆喷师傅说,法会很好,很多天使也献上他们的祝福。
4. 龙婆添师傅说,正人缘的加持是最棒的。
5. 龙婆拉迈师傅说,力南皮矿石是神圣的,有天使保护。
6. 龙婆Eid师傅说,避险很好。
7. 龙婆瑞师傅说,随心而富这个名字很吉利。
CODE: 2206004

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Phra Pidta Maha Mongkol Roon Ayu Wattano 99 Luang Phor Kliang Wat Non Kaed BE2549

 Phra Pidta Maha Mongkol Roon Ayu Wattano 99 Luang Phor Kliang Wat Non Kaed BE2549

Phra Pidta Maha Mongkol Roon Ayu Wattano 99 Luang Phor Kliang Wat Non Kaed BE2549. This is Nur Chamnuan Nawaloha, covered with Phong Phuttakhun 108 and LP's hair, made 399 pieces only. Serial Number 251. It has temple box.
The pouring ceremony by Luang Phor Kliang was held on 3rd August 2006. This is considered the first pouring ceremony in Wat Non Kaed. Blessing ceremony held on 10th October 2006. This is the amulet with 3 good intentions:
1. Good mass. This batch of amulet received 99.99 kg Chamnuan from different places, such as Chamnuan First Batch Phra Kring Luang Phor Waen Wat Doimaepang.
2. Good time. Luang Phor Kliang according to his own recipe set the auspicious time for the ceremony of pouring gold. It was on the 9th  day of 9th lunar month in year 2006, and Luang Phor Kliang was 99 years old at that time.
3. Good ceremony. Luang Phor Kliang performed the ceremony according to ancient formula. From the preparation of the material until the ceremony to put the yant plates and wisek metal into the mold. Every step was properly assembled. Luang Phor Kliang gave his blessing before handover the material during the pouring ceremony.
必达佛玛哈蒙坤伦阿育瓦塔诺99,龙婆强Wat Non Kaed,佛历2549(2006年)。这尊是Nur Chamnuan九宝铜材质,附有普塔坤108经粉以及师傅的头发,只制作了399尊而已。佛牌编号是251。连同寺庙盒子。
龙婆强于2006年8月3日举行倒模仪式。这是Wat Non Kaed第一次举行倒模仪式。之后于2006年10月3日举行加持法会。这批佛牌是三好佛牌:
1. 好材料。这批佛牌收集了来自不同地方99.99公斤的Chamnuan原料,当中包括龙婆元瓦兜昧榜佛寺第一期药师佛的原料。
2. 好时辰。师傅根据自己的方式计算出倒模的好时辰。当时师傅是99岁,在2006年的农历9月初9。
3. 好法会。师傅根据古法制作和加持了这批佛牌。从准备材料直到把写好经文的经片以及神奇金属放进磨具,每一步骤都根据古法进行。师傅把材料交去倒模时也念经加持。
CODE: 2305019

Saturday, June 3, 2023

Phra Kring Maha Mongkol Roon Ayu Wattano 99 Luang Phor Kliang Wat Non Kaed BE2549

Phra Kring Maha Mongkol Roon Ayu Wattano 99 Luang Phor Kliang Wat Non Kaed BE2549

Phra Kring Maha Mongkol Roon Ayu Wattano 99 Luang Phor Kliang Wat Non Kaed BE2549. This is Nur Nawa, covered with Phong Phuttakhun 108 and LP's hair, made 199 pieces only. Serial Number 98. It has temple box.
The pouring ceremony by Luang Phor Kliang was held on 3rd August 2006. This is considered the first pouring ceremony in Wat Non Kaed. Blessing ceremony held on 10th October 2006. This is the amulet with 3 good intentions:
1. Good mass. This batch of amulet received 99.99 kg Chamnuan from different places, such as Chamnuan First Batch Phra Kring Luang Phor Waen Wat Doimaepang.
2. Good time. Luang Phor Kliang according to his own recipe set the auspicious time for the ceremony of pouring gold. It was on the 9th  day of 9th lunar month in year 2006, and Luang Phor Kliang was 99 years old at that time.
3. Good ceremony. Luang Phor Kliang performed the ceremony according to ancient formula. From the preparation of the material until the ceremony to put the yant plates and wisek metal into the mold. Every step was properly assembled. Luang Phor Kliang gave his blessing before handover the material during the pouring ceremony.
药师佛玛哈蒙坤伦阿育瓦塔诺99,龙婆将Wat Non Kaed,佛历2549(2006年)。这尊是九宝铜材质,附有普塔坤108经粉以及师傅的头发,只制作了199尊而已。佛牌编号是98。连同寺庙盒子。
龙婆将于2006年8月3日举行倒模仪式。这是Wat Non Kaed第一次举行倒模仪式。之后于2006年10月3日举行加持法会。这批佛牌是三好佛牌:
1. 好材料。这批佛牌收集了来自不同地方99.99公斤的Chamnuan原料,当中包括龙婆元瓦兜昧榜佛寺第一期药师佛的原料。
2. 好时辰。师傅根据自己的方式计算出倒模的好时辰。当时师傅是99岁,在2006年的农历9月初9。
3. 好法会。师傅根据古法制作和加持了这批佛牌。从准备材料直到把写好经文的经片以及神奇金属放进磨具,每一步骤都根据古法进行。师傅把材料交去倒模时也念经加持。
CODE: 2305006

Thursday, June 1, 2023

Roopmuen Roon Farpa Luang Phor Phrom Wat Chongkae BE2512

Roopmuen Roon Farpa Luang Phor Phrom Wat Chongkae BE2512

Roopmuen Roon Farpa Luang Phor Phrom Wat Chongkae BE2512. This piece is white powder. It has SamakaomPhra Authentic Card. This Roopmuen encased with 90% Gold waterproof casing. The height is around 3.3CM.
This batch has 3 colors, Green made the least; follow by White, while the most common color is brown. This amulet mixed with lots of holy material. When the amulet is ready, one of Luang Phor Phrom’s disciple put in his pocket and continue to do temple job. Suddenly he was strike by lightning and fainted. Other disciples carried him into the temple but his clothe was in good condition. When Luang Phor Phrom arrived and sprayed holy water on him, he wake up and do not injure.
CODE: 2304021

Sunday, May 7, 2023

Locket Visakha Bucha Maha Barami Luang Phor Kliang TechaThamMo Wat Non Kead BE2556

Locket Visakha Bucha Maha Barami Luang Phor Kliang TechaThamMo Wat Non Kead BE2556

Locket Visakha Bucha Maha Barami Luang Phor Kliang TechaThamMo Wat Non Kead BE2556. The back inserted with Garuda Maha Amnaj, 3 Takruts and Gems. Serial Number 57.
瓦烧自身法相Visakha Bucha Maha Barami,龙婆将Wat Non Kaed,佛历2556(2013年)。佛牌的后面有鹰神,3支符管以及宝石。佛牌的编号是57。
CODE: 2408006

Saturday, May 6, 2023

Rian KliangNi (Clear Debt) Luang Phor Kliang Wat Non Kaed BE2542

Rian KliangNi (Clear Debt) Luang Phor Kliang Wat Non Kaed BE2542

Rian KliangNi (Clear Debt) Luang Phor Kliang Wat Non Kaed BE2542. This is Silver material, made 16 pieces only. This Rian encased with Gold waterproof casing. (Silver 16 pieces, Alpacca 5000 pieces, Copper 15000 pieces) 
无债务自身铜牌,龙婆将Wat Non Kaed,佛历2542(1999年)。这尊是纯银材质,只制作了16尊而已。这尊铜牌已包了真金防水壳。(纯银16尊,阿吧噶5000尊,铜15000尊)
CODE: 2409006

Thursday, May 4, 2023

Phra Somdej Waek Mun Lang Yant Tukata Wat SabLamYai BE2543

Phra Somdej Waek Mun Lang Yant Tukata Wat SabLamYai BE2543

Phra Somdej Waek Mun Lang Yant Tukata Wat SabLamYai BE2543. This Somdej made by Archan Tua and blessed by Luang Phor Moon. The material included powder from 350 monks collected by Archan Tua. 
CODE: 2408011

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Phra Phong PhetPhaYaThorn Luang Phor Moon Wat Ban Jan BE2545

Phra Phong PhetPhaYaThorn Luang Phor Moon Wat Ban Jan BE2545

Phra Phong PhetPhaYaThorn Luang Phor Moon Wat Ban Jan BE2545. This is blessed by Luang Phor Moon in Wat SabLamYai during Bucha Kru day. Very good for metta, should wear above waist. Super Star in Magazine. The height is around 4.7CM.
CODE: 2207010
Katha to worship PhetPhaYaThorn:
Thanangphokhang Sappalapho Sappaphokhang Manimamatusamami Namapatha x3
ธะนังโภคัง สัพพะลาโภ สัพพะโภคัง มานีมามะทุสะมะมิ นะมะพะทะ 3 จบ

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

First Batch Monkey Luang Phor Unn Wat Tankong BE2545

First Batch Monkey Luang Phor Unn Wat Tankong BE2545

First Batch Monkey Luang Phor Unn Wat Tankong BE2545. This is Nur Nawa and made 999 pieces only. Bottom with Luang Phor Unn's handwritten yant. The height is around 2.8cm. Rare item from Luang Phor Unn. 
CODE: 2408004

Monday, May 1, 2023

First Batch Rian Luang Phor Maha Uthai Wat Donsala BE2556

First Batch Rian Luang Phor Maha Uthai Wat Donsala BE2556

First Batch Rian Luang Phor Maha Uthai Wat Donsala BE2556. This piece is Gold material, made 19 pieces only. Serial number 19, approximately 20.1 gram. The height is around 3.8CM. It has Luang Phor Maha Uthai's handwritten yant on the Rian.
Luang Phor Maha Uthai blessed on 23rd May BE2556 when he was 85 years old and he was the 11th Chief Abbot of Wat Donsala. Luang Phor Maha Uthai passed away on 13th April 2020.
CODE: 2111001

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Phra Somdej 7 Chan Luang Phor Rith Wat Chonlaprathan BE2543

Phra Somdej 7 Chan Luang Phor Rith Wat Chonlaprathan BE2543

Phra Somdej 7 Chan Luang Phor Rith Wat Chonlaprathan BE2543. 
CODE: 2304019

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

First batch Rooplor Jant Yant Kor Ya Luang Phor Moon Wat Ban Jan BE2542

First batch Rooplor Jant Yant Kor Ya Luang Phor Moon Wat Ban Jan BE2542

First batch Rooplor Jant Yant Kor Ya Luang Phor Moon Wat Ban Jan BE2542. This is Nur Thonglerng Longdam material, made 1,000 pieces only. It has SamakomPhra Authentic Card. This Rooplor encased with brand new handmade 90% Gold waterproof casing. The gold casing weight is around 4.05 Gram. The height is around 2.4CM. 
CODE: 2104009