Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Luang Phoo Dun Wat Buraparam Surin
LP Dune Wat Burapharam,
Youtube 视频
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
LP Chong Wat Natangnok
One of the top 10 greatest Guru monks of the country is Luang Phor Chong of Wat NaTangNok, BangSai district, Ayuthaya province. He passed away on the Buddhist important MaKhaBuCha day of February 17th, B.E.2508, with the age of 93. Luang Phor Chong and Luang Phor Parn of Wat BangNomKho are close friends and respected high Dhamma practices of each other. They had the same teachers viz LP Soon of Wat BangPlaMoh and LP Paan of Wat PikulSokant.
Even Luang Phor Parn reached extremely high miraculous knowledges of "Apinya" and "Wipassana", he still often admired Luang Phor Chong as a good great monk. Once in the evening Luang Phor Chong was taking a rest at the pier in front of his temple, a small group of men rowed across the canal. After tying a boat robe to a pier hook, one said unrespectably to Luang Phor Chong,"Luang Phor, would you guard my boat because I was told that so many thiefs around here." The old Luang Phor Chong said slowly and mercifully to that man," Alright, I'll guard your boat as mine...don't worry."
The group of men came back to the pier at around midnight, they saw Luang Phor Chong still sat alone at the pier. "Wow, how great it is, you're still sitting here so many hours, I thank you for guarding my boat," said a man. "You ordered me to guard your boat, I completely did it," Luang Phor Chong said slowly to the man.
But at the evening of the next day, the men came to Luang Phor Chong's Kuti(monk's house) with flowers, incenses and candles on their hands. They had paid obeisance to Luang Phor Chong and said " I come here to apologize you for ordering to guard my boat, I have been told that the you are Luang Phor Chong, so please apologize all of us for doing a great sin, please grant us your apology."
" Huh,huh...alright ordered me and I did it for you's no sin .....from now on remind yourself do not order any monk as your servant," said Luang Phor Chong. He also taught them a short brief of Buddha's Dhamma. All the men listened quietly and wept, then they pay obeisance with full respect to Luang Phor Chong's legs.
Luang Phor Chong was a great donor. Any temple troubled with lacking of Kutis, he would order his monk disciples dismantle them and brought to the lacking temple. Even thiefs came into his temple to steal some thing that's difficult to get, Luang Phor Chong knew that and called them to get it.Yes, he gave stuffs to thiefs but never forgot to taught them that stealing monk's stuffs was a great sin. Many thiefs gave up stealing by his teachings.
Luang Phor Parn of Wat BangNomKho admired Luang Phor Chong to all his disciples that he was like a gold monk statue, and that a monk of this kind one should never beg anything from him because he would give everything that was begged for. Whenever Laung Phor Parn performed any religious ritual at his temple, he would invite Luang Phor Chong to join. Once Luang Phor Parn urged his close monk disciple to go by a motor boat to invite Luang Phor Chong to join a ritual , but Luang Phor Chong told the monk to go back in advance and he would go by himself later. As soon as the monk had come back and reported to Luang Phor Parn that Luang Phor Chong would come later, Luang Phor Parn laughed mildly and pointed to Luang Phor Chong who was sitting right there!!
How did he come with a short time? It's many miles distance between the two temples, if going by walking it would take a few hours. It was recorded that Luang Phor Chong reached the highest knowledge of "PatiSamPhiThaYan" which covered highest ability to perform miracle of all kinds. Whoever reaches this state will have comprehensive knowledges over all Tri Pitaka automatically and could rush to anywhere in a short time.
Luang Phor Chong created many kinds of amulets since the WW II, such as medals, small statues, ivory-tusk Rajasihas, metal Ta Pian fish , sacred jackets, etc. His amulets are very good for warding off dangers of all kinds, while his Ta Pian fish is good for fortune fetching.
The information is credited to:
LP Chong Wat Natangnok
Long Phor Waen Sujinno Wat DoiMaePang
LP Waen Sujinno Wat DoiMaePang,
Youtube 视频
库巴Noi Kruba Noi Wat SriDonMoon
库巴Noi高僧在泰国佛牌界是一位享誉盛名的大师,几乎只要是去泰北清迈府礼佛的团就必定专程去拜见库巴Noi高僧,这位大师出生于佛历2494年(西元1951年)2月10日,大师出生时,全身被脐带缠绕着,据泰北传说,出生是此情况的男孩,天生是要弘扬佛法的。库巴Noi高僧初次出家是在佛历2507年6月6日,直到20岁成年成为一位正式的僧人。那天是佛历2514年5月3日,之后库巴Noi高僧就不断向泰北几位非常顶尖的得道大师学习,其中龙普砰玛高僧也曾是教导库巴Noi的师父。大师不断学习写经文、持诵经文,古代经文、 巴利经文、及泰国兰那王朝时期的经典,也传承多位大师所授予的佛牌督造及加持功夫。而库巴Noi高僧最擅长的法门及督造佛宝就是挡灾的答固符管,以及乌巴库尊者佛牌。大师的威名不仅是在全泰国而已,大师佛寺不断有外国人前去恭请佛牌、拜见库巴Noi高僧,而且可以说是每天都如此;库巴Noi高僧所督造的佛宝不仅是受众多泰国信徒所肯定的,也是全世界泰国佛牌收藏家都肯定的!大师不仅为自己佛寺督造佛牌,只要其他佛寺有邀请,库巴Noi高僧都会帮各间佛寺协助加持佛牌,或是提供圣料、圣粉,来协助其他佛寺督造。
Credit given to information from Facebook.
Credit given to information from Facebook.
Other Monks 其他高僧
Monday, November 28, 2011
Phor Than Lek Wat Ariyakiri
Phra Khru Viriyasangvon (Than Khru Lek) or Phor Than Lek was born in kampung Aril Kelantan Malaysia on 28th Dec 1895, former named of the district was called as Bechah Mulong now as district of Peringat. Than Lek parents are originated and migrated from Thailand, Kampung Chekong Changwad Narathiwat. Few years after his marriage, he left his family to enter monkhood, and in age 22 (1917) he became a Bhikku (monk) in Wat Khau Din (Wat Ariyakiri) Kampung Bukit Tanah, Tumpat. He learnt Buddhist law from Ajahn Rak and his Buddhist name was Thammesara. After 5 years, he went to Wat Chan Nakhon Si Thammarat Thai (Ligor). In Wat Chan he had learnt from Phra Khru Kha Serm and also others. After one year he back to Wat Aril Kelantan. He learnt "Samadhi" skill from Achan Kev ( LP Q ), and he went "Chuddong" alone in the deep forest for about 6 months. Then, he returned to Wat Aril and became Chief Abbot, because that time Than Seng permanant stay in Throk Bon. 6th Mac 1975 Thursday 0815 morning, Phra Khru Lek passed away after abbot Wat Aril for 50yrs. The cremation held on 19th May 1978.
帕库威利亚桑沃(昙库叻)或婆昙叻于1895年12月28日在马来西亚吉兰丹州出生,此地区以前被称为Bechah Mulong,现在则叫做Peringat。婆昙叻的父母来自泰国那拉提瓦府的Changwad Chekong村。师傅婚后几年就离开了他的家人成为僧侣,并于22岁(1917年)在Wat Khau Din(瓦阿丽亚旗里佛寺)Kampung Bukit Tanah,Tumpat出家成僧。师傅从阿姜洛处学会了佛法,并取名法号为Thammesara。5年后,他去了Wat Chan Nakhon Si Thammarat Thai(Ligor),并向帕库Kha Serm以及其他师傅学法。一年后他回到瓦阿丽亚旗里佛寺。随后他向阿姜Kev(龙婆Q)学习禅学。师傅还独自一人到深山去修行6个月。之后,他又回到寺庙并担任住持。1975年3月6日,星期四上午8点15分,师傅圆寂了。师傅在寺庙当了50年的住持。 1978年5月19日举行火葬。
The information credited to:
PT Lek Wat Ariyakiri
Long Phor Pheurk Wat King Kaew
龙普不大师生于佛历2412年4月12日。父名“通速”,母名“凯”。生于北榄府。大师13岁时开始学法于瓦劲轿寺主持- 阿赞印音塔沙洛。15岁还俗帮助父母处理家务。18岁服役于泰国海军。20岁再次出家直到圆寂。法名-拍库卡鲁那威哈瑞。卡鲁那意味仁慈,而大师的慈悲与仁慈确实如法名一般,无穷无尽。30岁接任瓦劲轿寺主持,而后又成为北榄府地位最高的僧官。而后大师拜于龙普通大师座下学法,尽得此位高僧之真传。而龙普通大师在早期曾与多位高僧交流过法门,包含-瓦芒刊寺-财佛龙婆银大师,神兽大师龙婆斑,神通第一高僧龙婆肃,瓦斑起佛寺-龙婆斑大师,瓦那答洛寺-龙婆钟大师等14位高僧。而这些法门也毫无遗漏的传给了龙普不大师。而龙普通大师本身则是亲承阿赞多大士之教导,所以可以说佛历2450年之前泰国在人缘,招财,避险,等知名的高僧。其法门龙普不大师均无不知晓,这也是为何龙普不大师督造圣物以顺德佛牌为主。而佛历2500年以前之大法会均会邀请大师参加。附带说明,龙普通大师的弟子除了龙普不大师之外,尚有-八金埔里府-龙普洛大师,龙婆配区-曼谷,瓦圣培类屋寺,龙婆捆,龙婆普,也都是泰国知名高僧。而龙普不大师于2465年督造第一期“库沙”系列佛牌,以瓦拉康顺德佛牌为范本。佛牌坐下设计双重莲花。据说设计灵感来自大城时期的坤平,模板分大模与小模。佛牌材料包含有-花粉,一铁解粉,八他猛粉,香灰-上述材料与阿赞多大士顺德佛牌相同,而且有经阿赞多大士亲自加持。此外也加入阿赞多大士督造之老牌。而此期佛牌在许多人佩带之后,深感招财功效之不凡。现在市价已相当高昂。早期版的真牌行情要5 万马币以上而且更少见。也因此龙普不大师佛牌在北榄府公认招财,挡险第一。另外大师也募款建立了许多学校,寺庙,舍利塔,而有“北榄府之神”的美名。此外在成功佛本寺立有一尊佛像,是大师所设计督造。直到今天依然立于成功佛寺。 龙普不大师在佛历2501年圆寂。
Other Monks 其他高僧
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Long Phor Khao Wat ThamKlongPheng
LP Khao Wat ThamKlongPheng
Long Phor Eia Wat Ban Dan
Biography of LP Eia of Wat Ban Dan, Prachinburi Province:
LP Eia or Phra Khru SangWoRaKitTiKhun was born on Tuesday the 9th May 1905 in Prachinburi Province. Because of his admiration in Buddhism, when he was 17, he got ordained as a novice on the 8th May 1922. After he studied dharma until he fully understood in it, he went to study with LP Suk of Wat PakKlongMaKhamThao in Chainat Province. When he was 20, he got ordained as a monk on the 18th May 1925 at Wat SamPhan, Prachinburi Province. After that, he stayed at Wat Ban Dan in Prachinburi Province. One day, LP Eia met LP KoLanFa, a Laotian pilgrim monk by chance. LP KoLanFa stopped and rested near Wat Ban Dan. LP KoLanFa was expert at magic. LP Eia invited LP KoLanFa to stay at the temple. LP KoLanFa stayed at Wat Ban Dan for more than 6 months and then went back to Laos. LP Eia studied magic with LP KoLanFa during LP KoLanFa stayed there. In 1939, LP Eia became an abbot of Wat Ban Dan. LP Eia was a good monk who always helped people, so he was respected by a lot of people. LP Eia passed away on the 17th July 1978 at the age of 73.
龙婆伊雅出生于1905年5月9日(星期二),巴真府。因为对佛教的热忱,他17岁的时候,就于1922年5月8日成为小沙弥。在他专研学习佛法之后,他就去向龙婆蜀Wat PakKlongMaKhamThao学习。当他20岁的时候,他于1925年5月18日在巴真府的Wat SamPhan出家为僧。在那之后,他就住在瓦班丹佛寺里头。有一天,师傅在机遇下遇见龙婆KoLanFa。龙婆KoLanFa在瓦班丹佛寺附近休息。龙婆KoLanFa是魔法专家。龙婆伊雅邀请龙婆KoLanFa留在寺庙。龙婆KoLanFa住在瓦班丹佛寺超过6个月,然后回到辽国。龙婆KoLanFa在寺庙的时候,龙婆伊雅就与他一同研究魔法。1939年,龙婆伊雅成为瓦班丹佛寺的住持。龙婆伊雅是一个很好的师傅,总是帮助人,所以他被很多人推崇。龙婆伊雅在1978年7月17日圆寂,享年73岁。
Other Monks 其他高僧
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Luang Phor Prasit Wat PaaMooMai Chiangmai
Luang Phor Prasit Wat PaaMooMai Chiangmai. Luang Phor Prasit born on 5th March BE2484. He started his monkhood on 15th May BE2503 in Wat Photh Som Porn when he was 19 years old.
In BE 2545 according to newspaper that one of Luang Phor Prasit hand has turn into relics crystal like ( 舍利子) when Doctor x-ray for Luang Phor Prasit, that shock the whole Thailand Buddhism and amulet collectors. A real living arahant.
龙婆帕习瓦帕姆霾佛寺,清迈。龙婆帕习于佛历2484年3月5日出生。师傅于佛历2503年5月15日,在Wat Photh Som Porn开始了他的僧侣生活,当时师傅才19岁。
LP Prasit Wat PaaMooMai
Luangphoo Moon Titasilo, Wat Ban Jan
Luangphoo Moon Titasilo, Wat Ban Jan temple, Sisaket province. (B.E. 2437-2546)
One of the greatest guru of present time who leaves to the age of 109 years from King Rama 5-9 era.
Born on 15th April BE2437 at Ban Jan district, Sisaket province to farmer parents. He was a novice monk at the age of 14 and practiced Buddhism under the guidance of Phra Acharn Sida, the abbot of Wat Ban Jan before ordaining as a monk in BE2460 at the age of 23.
In his life time of monkhood, Luangphoo Moon traveled extensively around the region as well as neighboring countries for his forest-dwelling (Tudong) seeking great gurus who can teach him
more on Dharma and Magical practices.
He spented more than 50 years meeting many great gurus and inherited the skill of making sacred powder (Phong Itijie, Phong Puttakun, Phong Trini Singhe, Phong Patamung and Phong Maha Raj) especially from Phra Acharn Si Chantasiri, who was from the same linage of Somdej Phra Puttakjan Toh, Wat Rakang temple. These five sacred powders were important ingredients for making effective amulets. Luangphoo Moon also learned making of alloy-based amulets from Somdej Phra Sangaraj Pae and Mitmor (Magical Knife) from Luangpu Kam and Luangpor Ngen, both teachers of Luangpor Derm Wat Nong Poh.
Below are a list of masters whom Luangphoo Moon had met and learned from:
Phra Acharn Sida (preceptor)
Luangpu Mun Boritato
Luangpu Waen Suchino Wat Doi Mae Phang
Somdej Sangaraj Pae Wat Suthat
Luangpu Nak Wat Arun
Acharn Tim Wat Chianghai
Luangpu Kron Wat Bangsek (Malaysia)
Potahn Klai Wat Suankann
Acharn Singh Wat Pa Sarawan
Luangpor Jak Wat Bangabao
Luangpu Kam Wat Kao Kaew (teacher of Luangpor Derm Wat Nong Poh)
Luangpor Ngen Wat Mak Plangluang (teacher of Luangpor Derm Wat Nong Poh)
One of the greatest guru of present time who leaves to the age of 109 years from King Rama 5-9 era.
Born on 15th April BE2437 at Ban Jan district, Sisaket province to farmer parents. He was a novice monk at the age of 14 and practiced Buddhism under the guidance of Phra Acharn Sida, the abbot of Wat Ban Jan before ordaining as a monk in BE2460 at the age of 23.
In his life time of monkhood, Luangphoo Moon traveled extensively around the region as well as neighboring countries for his forest-dwelling (Tudong) seeking great gurus who can teach him
more on Dharma and Magical practices.
He spented more than 50 years meeting many great gurus and inherited the skill of making sacred powder (Phong Itijie, Phong Puttakun, Phong Trini Singhe, Phong Patamung and Phong Maha Raj) especially from Phra Acharn Si Chantasiri, who was from the same linage of Somdej Phra Puttakjan Toh, Wat Rakang temple. These five sacred powders were important ingredients for making effective amulets. Luangphoo Moon also learned making of alloy-based amulets from Somdej Phra Sangaraj Pae and Mitmor (Magical Knife) from Luangpu Kam and Luangpor Ngen, both teachers of Luangpor Derm Wat Nong Poh.
Below are a list of masters whom Luangphoo Moon had met and learned from:
Phra Acharn Sida (preceptor)
Luangpu Mun Boritato
Luangpu Waen Suchino Wat Doi Mae Phang
Somdej Sangaraj Pae Wat Suthat
Luangpu Nak Wat Arun
Acharn Tim Wat Chianghai
Luangpu Kron Wat Bangsek (Malaysia)
Potahn Klai Wat Suankann
Acharn Singh Wat Pa Sarawan
Luangpor Jak Wat Bangabao
Luangpu Kam Wat Kao Kaew (teacher of Luangpor Derm Wat Nong Poh)
Luangpor Ngen Wat Mak Plangluang (teacher of Luangpor Derm Wat Nong Poh)
Luangpor Son Wat Seangsang
Luangpor Kway Wat Kositaram
besides the above mentioned gurus, Luangphoo Moon also excelled in a very high level of wicha Akom (magical skill) from Luangpu Dam and Luangpu Maha Peng Wat Lam Duan both are highly respected disciples of The Great Somdej Ron of Nakorn Champasak Laos.
Amulets created by Luangphoo Moon were very effective and highly sought-after by followers. Phra Luangta Maha Bua of Wat Pa Bantard temple once said to those who are seeking good and effective amulets to go to Luangphoo Moon.
Luangpor Kway Wat Kositaram
besides the above mentioned gurus, Luangphoo Moon also excelled in a very high level of wicha Akom (magical skill) from Luangpu Dam and Luangpu Maha Peng Wat Lam Duan both are highly respected disciples of The Great Somdej Ron of Nakorn Champasak Laos.
Amulets created by Luangphoo Moon were very effective and highly sought-after by followers. Phra Luangta Maha Bua of Wat Pa Bantard temple once said to those who are seeking good and effective amulets to go to Luangphoo Moon.
Luangphoou Moon returned to Wat Ban Jan temple in BE2520 and passed away in his hut on the 11th March BE2546 @ 0730am at the age of 109 years and 86 years with the monkhood.
龙婆闷瓦瓣沾佛寺,, Sisaket省。(佛历2437-2546)
在师傅的僧侣生活当中,龙婆闷四处游走以找寻可以教导他佛法和魔法的大师。师傅花了50年的时间寻找名师,并继承了制造神圣粉末的知识,尤其是帕阿赞Si Chantasiri,瓦拉康佛寺崇迪多的派系教导的。这种神圣粉末是制造好佛牌的重要成分。龙婆闷也从崇迪桑卡拉培处学到了制造金属合成佛牌的知识,以及从龙婆登Wat Nong Poh的两位老师,龙普Kam和龙婆银处学到制造魔法刀的知识。
龙普纳Wat Arun
金口和尚婆昙凯Wat Suankan
阿赞Singh Wat Pa Sarawan
龙婆Jak Wat Bangabao
龙普Kam Wat Kao Kaew (龙婆登Wat Nong Poh的师傅)
龙婆银Wat Mak Plangluang (龙婆登Wat Nong Poh的师傅)
龙婆Son Wat Seangsang
龙婆桂Wat Kositaram除了以上的名师,龙婆闷也从寮国Nakorn Champasak伟大的崇迪荣 门下的两位备受尊敬的徒弟,龙普Dam和龙普玛哈Peng Wat Lam Duan处学到了高深法术。
龙婆闷制造的佛牌都很有效,并深获追随者的青睐。Wat PaBarnTad的龙达玛哈布曾经对那些找寻好和有效佛牌的人说过,可以去找龙婆闷。
在师傅的僧侣生活当中,龙婆闷四处游走以找寻可以教导他佛法和魔法的大师。师傅花了50年的时间寻找名师,并继承了制造神圣粉末的知识,尤其是帕阿赞Si Chantasiri,瓦拉康佛寺崇迪多的派系教导的。这种神圣粉末是制造好佛牌的重要成分。龙婆闷也从崇迪桑卡拉培处学到了制造金属合成佛牌的知识,以及从龙婆登Wat Nong Poh的两位老师,龙普Kam和龙婆银处学到制造魔法刀的知识。
龙普纳Wat Arun
金口和尚婆昙凯Wat Suankan
阿赞Singh Wat Pa Sarawan
龙婆Jak Wat Bangabao
龙普Kam Wat Kao Kaew (龙婆登Wat Nong Poh的师傅)
龙婆银Wat Mak Plangluang (龙婆登Wat Nong Poh的师傅)
龙婆Son Wat Seangsang
龙婆桂Wat Kositaram除了以上的名师,龙婆闷也从寮国Nakorn Champasak伟大的崇迪荣 门下的两位备受尊敬的徒弟,龙普Dam和龙普玛哈Peng Wat Lam Duan处学到了高深法术。
龙婆闷制造的佛牌都很有效,并深获追随者的青睐。Wat PaBarnTad的龙达玛哈布曾经对那些找寻好和有效佛牌的人说过,可以去找龙婆闷。
LP Moon Wat Ban Jan Sisaket
Friday, November 25, 2011
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Luang Phor Tong Wat Rachyota
Luang Phor
Tong was the first abbot of Wat Rachyota, Bangkok, and although he governed the
temple for almost one hundred years he is today relatively unknown.
In fact he is probably one the greatest monks
that very few people have heard of. Not surprising as he chose to live a simple
existence strictly following Lord Buddha’s Dharma and practicing meditation at
his temple.
during the time of King Rama 4 he was one of the most respected monks of his
era . He was the disciple of Phra Acharn Seng of Wat Manichonkarn (Lopburi),
Phra Acharn Seng was also the teacher of Somdet Phra Buddhachan Toh of Wat
His background is not that well known. His
place and year of birth for example have never been recorded. Fortunately it is
well documented that he was ordained as monk at Wat Ngernbangprom, Talingchan
District, Bangkok, by JaoKun Vinaikijjarithera, former abbot of Wat
Ngernbangprom, who acted as Pra Upacha.
It is also known that he remained at the
temple for several years studying sacred sciences under the guidance of JaoKun
Vinaikijjarithera. He studied diligently and as a result he was invited to take
up the position of Abbot of Wat Rachyota by the founder of the temple. Luang
Phor Tong passed away aged 117 years and even to this day is one of the longest
living monks in Thai history.
Luang Phor Tong is known to have studied
meditation and sacred sciences from the same teacher as Pra Somdej Buddhachan
Toh. When he created his own amulets at a later date they were truly unique, he
did not copy those of Somdej Toh or even use them as prototypes for his own
Also a fact little known, even amongst
experts, is that LP Tong has been master or taught sacred sciences to many of
the most famous monks that have ever lived, these include amongst many others:
1) LuangPu
Ler Wat Saochango Chachingsao
2) Luang
Phor Jong Wat Natangnok Ayuthaya
3) Luang
Phor Kong Wat Bangkrapong
4) Luang
Phor Chat Wat Bangkrabao
5) Luang
Phor Sod Wat Paknam Paicharoen
6) Luang
Phor Klai Wat Suan Kan Nakonsrithamarak
7) Luang
Phor Thongyu Wat Mainongpraong Samutt Sakorn
8) Luang
Phor Yee Wat Sattaheep (Disciple of LuangPu Ler)
9) Luang Phor
Poch Wat Rayotha (2nd abbot)
10) Phraku
Kitti Witmon Wat Rayotha (3rd abbot and nephew of LuangPu Thong)
LuangPhor Parn Wat Bangnomko Ayuthaya (Learn knowledge of Kom)
12) LuangPu
Pheuk Wat King Keow (Close disciple)
13) LuangPu
Rod Prachinburi
14) LuangPu
Patch Wat Samplum
His most
famous amulets were in the form of five Buddha images, also known as Somdej Ha
Pra Ong. Initially these amulets were known as Pra Somdej Prajao Ha Pra-ong
because it was widely known that he studied under Somdej Toh, this was despite
the fact that his amulets did not resemble those of his master in the
This is also
the reason that amulets discovered at the Kru at Wat Bung Praya Suren were also
called Pra Somdej, as the designs were very similar to those created by LP
Tong. Incidentally there is no direct evidence that LP Tong did bless the
amulets discovered at Wat Bung Praya Suren, but most experts agree that it’s a
distinct possibility.
amulets blessed by Luang Phor Tong are highly desirable not only because of
their heritage, beauty and unique designs, but also because LP Tong is still
highly respected by many people.
Decades ago
the temple was surrounded by many migrants from India most of whom were non
Buddhist. They often entered the temple grounds to steal fish from the pond.
Luang Phor
Tong is known to have summoned spirits to protect the habitat, and thereafter
thieves would only trawl bones of the deceased. This was sufficient to frighten
would be thieves away. It is also said that many of the fish transformed into
leaves, gaining considerable respect for the monk.
Many suffering from a deadly outbreak of
Cholera visited Wat Lard Buakhao (Wat Rachyota) to ask for help from the sacred
monk. It was recorded that his sacred water saved countless lives from the
deadly disease.
One of LP Tongs most renowned abilities was
the exorcism of those haunted by ghosts or cursed with black magic. It is
recorded that many people would visit his temple to seek a cure from such
Even a youngster was cured by the great monk
who used a sacred Thai herb “Plai” whilst reciting sacred spells.
Credits given to
LP Tong Wat Rachyota
Monday, November 21, 2011
龙普笃出生于佛历2430年3月27日曼谷市附近,自小便在屈巴卢清批寺成为"那" (小和尚),当时拍阿铁今近金那间庙主持,龙普笃跟随此主持、阿赞碰及龙波蜀学习僧侣规条,当佛历2450年7月16日,他20岁时在当时三间大庙主持见证下成为正式僧侣。当其恩师阿赞碰完寂后,龙普笃跟随另一师傅龙波旺学习打坐及规条,及后他去到泰国北部森林当苦行僧数年,后跟当时非常有名龙普龙(屈他夹不)、龙波念(屈来)(龙波班之恩师)、龙波弄、龙波碰、阿赞咪、阿赞等等很多高僧习法,最后再度回到曼谷接任寺屈巴卢清批成为方杖,当时他认识到另外4位有名圣僧-----龙普术(屈白榄)、神兽大师龙波班(屈班南哥),龙波陈、龙波介,成为好朋友交流法门,而龙普笃、龙普术及另一高僧常会结伴到森林修行,三人会各自画一些符咒造成经粉(呈淡黄白色),将之混合再三人合力加持,完成后分成三份各自带回寺中,而每次龙波笃被邀请往一些大法会开光,席中多会有108位高僧,开光过程中师傅可感应到那位师傅有特别力量,后会跟随这师傅学习。而龙波笃有份参与几个当时最有名大开光分别有: 拍崇迪、龙波培(佛历2494年) 不打屈行走佛(佛历2500年)万人大开光,龙普脱屈拍沙寺(佛历2506年),约500圣僧云集,在年中2日好日子开光屈当四面佛(佛历2508年),早上9位僧人,晚上几十位印度、斯里籣卡、中国及泰国苦行僧,早晚合共2场法会。拍崇笛曼冠碰(佛历2509年),百人大开光阿赞多百年纪念(佛历2515年),千人大开光除泰国人民外,泰国九世王及皇族成员亦非常尊重师傅,泰国很多地方不难见到他们留念照。在佛历2463年,师傅制造了第一批圣物拍崇笛卡多,现在泰国市场已是非常罕见及珍贵,之后龙波笃继续制造其它的圣物包括:崇迪,自身牌……,师傅早期其实用了很多精神去制造13种不同版本的崇笛,在佛历2518年才开始制造必打,最后必打为有名及多人认识作品。龙普笃督造拍必打佛牌---------被吁为近代灵验之最,佛牌多由古老经书、花粉或香灰三种不同版本制成、当中会加入崇笛阿赞多佛牌粉、屈白槛早期佛牌粉、屈不山卡啦蜀四世时代僧王佛牌粉、龙普笃与其他师傅合制手写经文粉(碰依铁姐),有时如找到一些特别圣物也会浸入,部份佛牌底部会加入师傅手写符通,相对较珍贵及少,当佛牌倒模完毕后,有一些会放到圣水中加持,曾经有人见过放在水中加持的必打浮上水面(正常物理情况应沉底),这类同样在市场较为罕见,一般师傅督制必打,开光仪式大多为三个月完成。必打佛牌神奇事积包括:每次遇到飞来横祸时都能逢凶化吉、有人曾在2万尺高空跳降落伞时,因降落伞发生故障而未能打开,原本以为难逃一劫,怎知落地时只发现双脚骨折,身体其他并无大碍、当时他身上便是佩带师傅制------必打珍宝,亦有很多人佩带后大富大贵,生活无忧… 仿间流传谁可拥有龙普笃必打佛牌,除可事事逢凶化吉,远离意外、在事业、人缘、生活各方面得到成功,财运会如留水般不绝,这也是现在师傅督造必打牌一值在升值原因。于佛历2524年4月5号师傅完成他一生僧侣过程,享年93岁。他的事绩,会永留在人们心中。
Credit given to information from Facebook
Credit given to information from Facebook
LP Toh Wat Pradoochimplee
Long Phor ThongPhoon Wat PaaSaMaChiPhuPhaTam
龙婆通喷Wat PaaSaMaChiPhuPhaTam。龙婆通喷于佛历2467年3月23日出生。师傅向龙普樊和阿姜Juan学法。师傅在Nongkhai区备受尊敬。师傅于佛历2558年5月12日圆寂,享年91岁。
就正式受戒为僧,当时大师身上有190元泰铢,那时算不小的一笔钱, 大师就将这笔钱献给佛寺,开始僧侣生涯,同期共有9位同时受戒出家。龙婆李出家之后,就拜泰国历代名师หลวงปู่มั่น(译音)龙普曼高僧为师。龙普曼高僧一看到龙婆李就觉得相当有缘,非常疼爱龙婆李这位徒弟。因此将自身许多独门的法术、经典等等的真功夫都传授给龙婆李大师。龙婆李大师不仅学得相当精湛,运用在督造佛牌上的独特加持法门, 更是护佑了无数信众!龙婆李大师圆寂于佛历2504年,享年55岁。
Other Monks 其他高僧
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Long Phor Saithong Wat Bot Ayuttaya
Long Phor Saithong Wat Bot Ayuttaya. LP Saithong is the disciple of Long Phor Thiam Wat Kasattrathirat, Long Phor Boone Wat Khok & Long Phor Sie Wat Sakae. He is considered as one of the top 4 Phra Phrom makers nowadays.
龙婆赛通瓦博佛寺,大城府。龙婆赛通是龙婆Tiam Wat Kasattrathirat,龙婆 Boone Wat Khok,龙婆席瓦刹骑佛寺的徒弟。师傅可称得上是当今做四面神最有名的四大高僧之一。
龙婆赛通瓦博佛寺,大城府。龙婆赛通是龙婆Tiam Wat Kasattrathirat,龙婆 Boone Wat Khok,龙婆席瓦刹骑佛寺的徒弟。师傅可称得上是当今做四面神最有名的四大高僧之一。
Other Monks 其他高僧
Saturday, November 19, 2011
便转往瓦蹦轿佛寺向当时的住持高僧继续学习各种经文咒印,以及修习各种的法术, 当时瓦蹦轿佛寺住持非常疼爱高僧,并对他非常信任。后来瓦蹦轿佛寺住持于佛历2511年圆寂,龙婆碰高僧便承接了住持的位置直到现今。龙婆碰高僧在大城府这个地区是一位非常知名,且可说是名声远播的高僧,因此很多佛寺要督造佛牌圣物时皆会邀请龙婆碰高僧参与加持法会。此外非常多的信徒都认为高僧所加持的佛牌是非常有效力的,因此争相请高僧所加持的佛牌。高僧目前为止制作很多款佛牌,
LP Pherm Wat Pom Kaew
Friday, November 18, 2011
Long Phor JanSom Wat Pa Jantarangsri, Udon Thani
Long Phor JanSom Wat Pa Jantarangsri, Udon Thani.
LP JanSom born in 12th June BE2465. When he was 15 years old , he met Ajahn Kiet (Younger Brother of Great Lp Tate Nongkhai). LP Jansom became a Disciple of Great LP Tate at the age of 20 years old and get to learn many information on LP Mun.
In year BE2491 LP JanSom finally got a chance to meet LP Mun and became a Disciple of LP Mun at the same year. LP JanSom stay with LP Mun and LP Tate for 2 years from BE2490-2491 and went Tudong on BE2492.
In year BE2514 LP JanSom move to Wat Pa Jantarangsri Udon Thani till he passed away on 7th March BE2549 at the age of 84 years old.
LP JanSom born in 12th June BE2465. When he was 15 years old , he met Ajahn Kiet (Younger Brother of Great Lp Tate Nongkhai). LP Jansom became a Disciple of Great LP Tate at the age of 20 years old and get to learn many information on LP Mun.
In year BE2491 LP JanSom finally got a chance to meet LP Mun and became a Disciple of LP Mun at the same year. LP JanSom stay with LP Mun and LP Tate for 2 years from BE2490-2491 and went Tudong on BE2492.
In year BE2514 LP JanSom move to Wat Pa Jantarangsri Udon Thani till he passed away on 7th March BE2549 at the age of 84 years old.
龙婆詹宋Wat Pa
Pa Jantarangsri,一直到佛历2549年3月7日他圆寂那天,享年84岁。
Other Monks 其他高僧
LP Rien Wat Aranya BungPod
LP Rien Wat Aranya BungPod. LP Rien did have a kuthi inside King's palace. One of the greatest dharmayut monk. LP Rien born on January 8 BE2455 and passed away on May 5 BE2548 when he is 93 years old.
龙普连Wat Aranya BungPod。师傅于佛历2455年1月8号出生。师傅是龙普曼的第一代弟子。泰皇特地在皇宫里为师傅建造一座休息厅(Kuthi),可想而知师傅的身份地位是多么地被泰国当地人敬重。师傅与龙达玛哈布瓦,龙婆三,龙婆Sim,龙婆咯等森林派大师都是好朋友。师傅于佛历2548年5月5号去世,享年93岁。
龙普连Wat Aranya BungPod。师傅于佛历2455年1月8号出
LP Rien Wat Aranya BungPod
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Long Phor Supoj Wat Huangphattana,Trat Province
Long Phor Supoj Wat Huangphattana,Trat Province. LP Supoj was born in BE2488 in Trat Province. He ordained as monk at the age of 20. He is a disciple of LP Sim of Wat ThamPhaPong, Chiangmai Province. LP Supoj went to the forest to practice meditation during the past time. He also learned from LP Rien, LP Tet, LP Torn, LP Fun, etc. People admire and respect him. His amulets are very powerful and have real effects on the worshippers.
Other Monks 其他高僧
Long Phor Chuen Wat Yan Sen
Long Phor Chuen of Wat Yan Sen
Long Phor Chuen was born on 18 March B.E.2450 (1907) in the Ngaung-Kae of the Saraburi province.
Long Phor Chuen was born into a farmer family. Long Phor Chuen was novice at the age of 15 for studying Dharma and Samati until 18 year old. Long Phor Chuen leaved the Buddhist monkhood and when back to his family.
Long Phor Chuen helped his family by 3 year until the age of 21 when he was finally ordained as a monk at Wat Kau Loy, Saraburi province. Long Phor Chuen has learning Dharma and Bali grammar. Long Phor Chuen has been an expert of concentration of mindfulness in Buddhism way. Long Phor Chuen passed the test of the third grade by 3 year only. Long Phor Chuen started to study Magic and Psychology with Guru Monk of Wat Kau Loy until his succeed. After that, Long Phor Chueen went to Tudong for building up knowledge of Visha and Buddhism way.
Also, Long Phor Chueen searched instructor monk for study knowledge of magic charms continuously. Until Long Phor Chuen when to Wat Yan Sen of the Ayutthaya province. Long Phor Chuen was the first monk who succeed in “Rat Ta Na Juk” Visha and popular for his knowledge in both holy Dharma and Visha. Long Phor Chuen has always welcomed any visitor regardless of class and background and Long Phor Chuee treated everybody equally. Long Phor Chuen's amulets are very popular and have the experience for protection. When Long Phor Chuen has been making the amulet, Long Phor Chueen always used “Rat Ta Na Juk” Visha to bless properly the amulet therefore his amulet very strong. Long Phor Chuen was Abbot of Wat Yan Sen, Ayutthaya province.
Long Phor Chueen has been one of the most famous present-time. Long Phor Chueen passed away on 17 June 2003 at the age of 97 year old.
Long Phor Chuen was born on 18 March B.E.2450 (1907) in the Ngaung-Kae of the Saraburi province.
Long Phor Chuen was born into a farmer family. Long Phor Chuen was novice at the age of 15 for studying Dharma and Samati until 18 year old. Long Phor Chuen leaved the Buddhist monkhood and when back to his family.
Long Phor Chuen helped his family by 3 year until the age of 21 when he was finally ordained as a monk at Wat Kau Loy, Saraburi province. Long Phor Chuen has learning Dharma and Bali grammar. Long Phor Chuen has been an expert of concentration of mindfulness in Buddhism way. Long Phor Chuen passed the test of the third grade by 3 year only. Long Phor Chuen started to study Magic and Psychology with Guru Monk of Wat Kau Loy until his succeed. After that, Long Phor Chueen went to Tudong for building up knowledge of Visha and Buddhism way.
Also, Long Phor Chueen searched instructor monk for study knowledge of magic charms continuously. Until Long Phor Chuen when to Wat Yan Sen of the Ayutthaya province. Long Phor Chuen was the first monk who succeed in “Rat Ta Na Juk” Visha and popular for his knowledge in both holy Dharma and Visha. Long Phor Chuen has always welcomed any visitor regardless of class and background and Long Phor Chuee treated everybody equally. Long Phor Chuen's amulets are very popular and have the experience for protection. When Long Phor Chuen has been making the amulet, Long Phor Chueen always used “Rat Ta Na Juk” Visha to bless properly the amulet therefore his amulet very strong. Long Phor Chuen was Abbot of Wat Yan Sen, Ayutthaya province.
Long Phor Chueen has been one of the most famous present-time. Long Phor Chueen passed away on 17 June 2003 at the age of 97 year old.
在接下来的3年里,龙婆川帮助他的家人,直到21岁的时候,他终于在沙拉武里省的Wat Kau Loy出家为僧。龙婆川学习佛法和巴厘文语法。龙婆川仅用了3年时间就通过了第三等级的测试。龙婆川开始向Wat Kau Loy的师傅们学习魔法和心理学,直到他成功。在那之后,龙婆川就开始去苦行以学习更多法术。
龙婆川不断地搜寻导师学习魔法知识。直到龙婆川到达大城府省的瓦印醒佛寺。龙婆川是第一个和尚成功学会“Rat Ta Na Juk”的法术,而且师傅的佛学和法术知识都很有名。龙婆川一向欢迎任何到访者,并对大家一视同仁。龙婆川的佛牌都非常受欢迎,并曾经发生很多保平安的事故。当龙婆川做佛牌时,龙婆川总是用“Rat Ta Na Juk”的法术来加持。因此他的佛牌能量都非常强大。
在接下来的3年里,龙婆川帮助他的家人,直到21岁的时候,他终于在沙拉武里省的Wat Kau Loy出家为僧。龙婆川学习佛法和巴厘文语法。龙婆川仅用了3年时间就通过了第三等级的测试。龙婆川开始向Wat Kau Loy的师傅们学习魔法和心理学,直到他成功。在那之后,龙婆川就开始去苦行以学习更多法术。
龙婆川不断地搜寻导师学习魔法知识。直到龙婆川到达大城府省的瓦印醒佛寺。龙婆川是第一个和尚成功学会“Rat Ta Na Juk”的法术,而且师傅的佛学和法术知识都很有名。龙婆川一向欢迎任何到访者,并对大家一视同仁。龙婆川的佛牌都非常受欢迎,并曾经发生很多保平安的事故。当龙婆川做佛牌时,龙婆川总是用“Rat Ta Na Juk”的法术来加持。因此他的佛牌能量都非常强大。
LP Chuen Wat Yan Sen
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Phor Than Klai 金口和尚
LP Klai (B.E.2419~2513), commonly known as Phor Than Klai, was one of the respectable monk and famous southern monk. He was given the title "Golden Mouth 金口师傅" because whatever he had said or predicted, will always come true.
When LP Klai was 14 years old, he went with his uncle to chop firewood and the tree he was chopping fell towards him and squashed his left leg. LP Klai thought it was nothing much just a small injury and did not seek for medical attention. But the injury eventually became worse as his left ankle was shattered upon inspection. It swelled till very big and contacted gangrenous and the pain was unbearable. One day when LP Klai could not bear the pain anymore and he took a sharp knife and chopped off the swollen ankle region. When someone found out and immediately went to find herbs to help him to stop the bleedings and doctor to cure him. After this incident, LP Klai had trouble getting around and usually moved around on a water buffalo.
LP Klai was ordained at the age of 15 and by the age of 26, he became the abbot of the temple. LP Klai was one of the very respectful monks by the Thai King. A lot of mystery things happened on LP Klai and when he passed away. They wanted to cremate his body but they can't cimply tourched the torso. In the end, Thai King himself try to light it personally but only can burnt one of his toes. Presently, LP Klai's body can still be view in the temple.
PT Klai Wat Suankan
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