Monday, January 21, 2013

Phra Khunpen Phim Lek Long Phor Moon Wat Ban Jan Sisaket BE2543

Phra Khunpen Phim Lek Long Phor Moon Wat Ban Jan Sisaket BE2543. Come with Silver Waterproof casing. LP Moon blessed this batch of khunpen for 3 months. Material contained of 108 herbs, 3 takruts and LP Moon's image coin at the back.
小模坤平佛,龙普Moon Wat Ban Jan Sisaket,佛历2543。龙普Moon为这批坤平加持了三个月。连同精美纯银防水外壳。此佛牌放了108种草药,3支符管和师傅法相的铜钱在后面。
CODE: 312023