Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Lersi Kruba Khamfan Wat KorChoke BE2557. Silver coated blue

Lersi Kruba Khamfan Wat KorChoke BE2557
Lersi Kruba Khamfan Wat KorChoke BE2557. Silver coated blue. Made 50 pieces only. Inside has kring. Inserted with LP's hair & jeevorn. This batch is make for repair the rooftop of temple.
鲁士,古巴堪樊Wat KorChoke,佛历2557。电镀银蓝色,只做了50尊。里头有摇珠,也有师傅的头发以及袈裟。这批佛牌是为了修补寺庙的屋顶而制造的。
CODE: 406029