Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Pidta Ngern Lan Luang Phor Toh Wat Praduchimplee BE2521

Pidta Ngern Lan Luang Phor Toh Wat Praduchimplee BE2521

Pidta Ngern Lan Luang Phor Toh Wat Praduchimplee BE2521. Nur Phong Kesorn Single Takrut, made 4,480 pieces only. The reason people called this batch of amulet as Pidta Ngern Lan (One Million Baht) is because when this batch of Pidta was produced and distributed, the contribution funds from this batch alone raised more than one million baht. It is believe that the people who possess this amulet will not have any financial problems and will always be successful in their career or business. It won No1 Placing in Thailand ChaengWattana Grand Amulet Competition on 29th October 2017. It won No3 Placing in Thailand ChaengWattana Grand Amulet Competition on 15th July 2018. Attached with open Gold casing. (Weight 24g, cost around 38,000 Baht)
CODE: 807030