Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Second Batch Takrut Nang Kwai Kruba Chum Wat Wang Muy BE2510

Second Batch Takrut Nang Kwai Kruba Chum Wat Wang Muy BE2510. This takrut mixed with buffalo fetus skin which the buffalo fetus is died in the womb  and the female buffalo was strike by lighting. Rare & limited quantity. Come with Pra Muang certificate for authenticity. Takrut Nang Kwak from KB Chum is one of the Top 5 Kreung Lang in North Thai.
Kruba Chum learned the vicha of making Takrut Nang Kwai from Great Master Maha MeThungKron of Wat May Thong Gon Wanaram. KB Chum spent around 2 years to learn all the vicha. As per feedback, Takrut Nang Kwai is very good particularly to avoid danger, Maha Ud, metta & wealth. KB Chum started to create Takrut Nang Kwai since BE2485. Each takrut is handwritten yant by KB Chum. Then it is covered with buffalo fetus skin, which the buffalo fetus is died in the womb and the female buffalo was strike by lighting.
第二期水牛皮符管,古巴春Wat Wang Muy,佛历2510。此符管的材料采自于一头胎死母牛腹中的牛胎儿皮,而母牛是被雷劈死的,十分罕有而且制造数量不多。获得Pra Muang佛牌协会颁发的验证卡。师傅的水牛皮符管是泰北5大圣物之一。
古巴春从导师Maha MeThungKron Wat May Thong Gon Wanaram身上学到制造水牛皮符管的方法。古巴春用了2年的时间来学习这些经文。很多反馈说,师傅的水牛皮符管对避险,刀枪不入,人缘以及招财很好。师傅于佛历2485年开始制造水牛皮符管。每支符管均为师傅亲手在铜片上写上经文,然后用水牛胚胎的皮包裹在符管上。此水牛胚胎是死于被雷劈死的母牛体内的,所以材料很难找,罕有。
CODE: 404006

Monday, April 28, 2014

Takrut Nawa Honkun Luang Phor Moon Wat Ban Jan BE2543

Takrut Nawa Honkun Luang Phor Moon Wat Ban Jan
Takrut Nawa Honkun Luang Phor Moon Wat Ban Jan BE2543. Good for Metta, KlaewKlaat and KongKrapan. Length approximately 3.5 inches.
九宝铜Honkun符管,龙婆Moon Wat Ban Jan,佛历2543。对人缘,避难避险很有帮助。长度大约是3.5寸。
CODE: 412049

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Somdej Gao MongKol (9 Auspicious) Luang Phor Rien Wat Aranya BungPod BE2540

Somdej Gao MongKol (9 Auspicious) Luang Phor Rien Wat Aranya BungPod BE2540

Somdej Gao MongKol (9 Auspicious) Luang Phor Rien Wat Aranya BungPod BE2540. Blessing ceremony held on 4th October BE2540. It contained hairs from Luang Phor Prom, Luang Phor Orn, Luang Phor Ther, Luang Phor Chob, Luang Phor Thep, Luang Phor Rien, Luang Phor Sim & Ajarn Wahn. Co-blessed by 9 great monks included Luang Phor Rien. It comes with original temple box.
9种吉祥(Gao MongKol)崇迪佛,龙婆连Wat Aranya BungPod,佛历2540。加持法会于佛历2540年10月4日举行。此佛牌含有多位大师的头发,如龙婆Prom,龙婆Orn,龙婆特,龙婆卓,龙婆Thep,龙婆连,龙婆甚以及阿姜万。由9位大师一同加持,包括龙婆连在内。连同原装寺庙盒子。
CODE: 503005

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Takrut Yant Maha Setthi & Maha Som Patana Luang Phor Kamphan Wat ThatMahaChay

Takrut Yant Maha Setthi & Maha Som Patana Luang Phor Kamphan Wat ThatMahaChay
Takrut Yant Maha Setthi & Maha Som Patana Luang Phor Kamphan Wat ThatMahaChay. Made around BE2540. 2 pieces in a set, with code.
Maha Setthi和Maha Som Patana经文符管,龙婆刊潘,瓦塔玛哈财佛寺。佛历2540期间制造。一套两支,有印记。
CODE: 502030

Friday, April 25, 2014

Luang Phor Thuad Luang Phor Thong Wat Sampaocher BE2545

Luang Phor Thuad Luang Phor Thong Wat Sampaocher BE2545. Herb material.
CODE: 412067

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Pidta Luang Phor Tong Wat Rachyota BE247x

Pidta Luang Phor Tong Wat Rachyota BE247x

Pidta Luang Phor Tong Wat Rachyota BE247x. Nur din pasom chanmak. Thick and rare. It comes with Uamulet certificate for authenticity. Attached with Silver Waterproof casing.
比达佛,龙婆通Wat Rachyota,佛历247x。圣土料参了槟榔渣。很厚,很稀有。获得Uamulet佛牌协会颁发验证卡。配上精美防水银壳。
CODE: 502028

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Phayant Chao Khun Chan Wat Uttamaram BE252x

Phayant Chao Khun Chan Wat Uttamaram BE252x
Phayant Chao Khun Chan Wat Uttamaram BE252x.
CODE: 502036

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Phra Kring Roon 2 Long Phor Sang Wat Paa Archan Ther BE2556

Phra Kring Roon 2 Long Phor Sang Wat Paa Archan Ther BE2556. Nur ThongLerng. Made 84 pieces only. LP Sang is the disciple of LP Ther Wat Paa Aranyawiwet. LP Sang born on 24th September BE2473. He started his monkhood at the age of 20 during BE2493. On BE2523 LP Sang appointed as the Abbot of Wat Paa Archan Ther. LP Sang is more senior than LP Plien Wat Aranyawiwake & LP Prasit Wat PaaMooMai.
第二期药师佛,龙普桑瓦帕阿赞特佛寺,佛历2556。黄铜料,只做了84尊而已。龙普桑是龙普特Wat Paa Aranyawiwet的徒弟,龙普特是森林派祖师爷龙普曼的第一代徒弟。龙普桑出生于佛历2473年9月24日。师傅于佛历2493年开始了他的僧侣生活,当时师傅只有20岁。龙普桑于佛历2523被委任成为瓦帕阿赞特佛寺的主持。龙普桑比龙普彼莲Wat Aranyawiwake和龙普帕习Wat PaaMooMai更资深。
CODE: 407011

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Phra Kring Roon SithThatTho (Whom Giving the Successful) Wat BoromNiwat BE2510

Phra Kring Roon SithThatTho (Whom Giving the Successful) Wat BoromNiwat BE2510

Phra Kring Roon SithThatTho (Whom Giving the Successful) Wat BoromNiwat BE2510. Blessed by 42 monks monks, such as LP Nak Wat Rakang, LP Ngern Wat Donyaihom, LP Tae Wat Samngan, LP Pae Wat Phikulthong, LP Jam Wat Waruwan, LP Boonma Wat Pa Selawan, LP Orn, Archan Fun, LP Waen, LP Tuer, LP Khao, LP Sim, LP Viriyang, CK Nor, & Others. Won No4 Placing in Thailand Nakhon Phatom Amulet Competition on 17th August 2014. Come with Silver Waterproof casing.
药师佛伦SithThatTho(功成利就) Wat BoromNiwat,佛历2510。由多位高僧加持,包括龙婆纳瓦拉康,龙婆银瓦咚亚宏佛寺,龙婆爹瓦三按佛寺,龙婆培瓦编冠汤佛寺,龙婆Jam Wat Waruwan,龙婆Boonma Wat Pa Selawan,龙婆安,阿赞樊,龙婆元,龙婆特,龙婆考,龙婆甚,龙婆Viriyang,周冠罗等等。于2014年8月17日,在泰国Nakhon Phatom大型佛牌比赛中荣获第四名次。连同精美纯银防水外壳。
CODE: 409003

Friday, April 18, 2014

Rian Phor Than Thit Wat Machimmaram BE2544

Rian Phor Than Thit Wat Machimmaram BE2544. Made for celebration of his 69 years old birthday.
自身铜牌,婆昙铁Wat Machimmaram,佛历2544。为庆祝师傅69岁生日时出的。
CODE: 409006

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Second Batch Locket LuangTa Jiak Wat PaPhooRiThat BE2535

Second Batch Locket LuangTa Jiak Wat PaPhooRiThat BE2535. Luangta Jiak was the first level disciple of the great AC Mun. He born on 6th June BE2459. Started his monkhood on BE2480. Passed away on 23rd August BE2547 at the age of 88 years old. The royal cremation hold on 17th September BE2547. Reached Arahant level and there are relics from him after the cremation.
第二期自身Locket,龙普扎Wat PaPhooRiThat,佛历2535。师傅是龙普曼大师的第一代徒弟。师傅出生于佛历2459年6月6日。于佛历2480年开始他的僧侣生活。于佛历2547年8月23日圆寂,享年88岁。葬礼于佛历2547年9月17日举行。师傅修行已经到达阿罗汉境界,并在火化后留下舍利子。
CODE: 15017

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Jumbo Locket Luang Phoo SoomMai Wat PhuThamPhra BE2554

Jumbo Locket Luang Phoo SoomMai Wat PhuThamPhra BE2554. Back with LP's handwritten yant & jeevorn. Come with original temple wood box. Luang Phoo SoomMai  is the disciple to Luang Phoo Waen, Luang Phoo Chob, Luang Phoo Chuan and Luang Phor Phut.
珍宝自身Locket,龙普顺麦Wat PhuThamPhra,佛历2554。佛牌的后面有师傅手写的经文和袈裟。连同原装寺庙木盒子。龙普顺麦是龙普元,龙普卓,龙普川和龙普朴等大师的徒弟。他们这几位都是森林派的大师们。
CODE: 207020

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Rian Roon Kodsetthee Luangta Boonnar Wat PaSotThiPol BE2555-57. Silver

Rian Roon Kodsetthee Luangta Boonnar Wat PaSotThiPol BE2555-57. Silver material made 299 pieces. Blessed in 3 Taimak.
自身铜牌伦哥锡铁,龙达伯纳Wat PaSotThiPol,佛历2555-57。纯银料,只做了299尊。由师傅加持了3个守夏季。
CODE: 410016

Monday, April 14, 2014

Bucha Roon Kodsetthee Luangta Boonnar Wat PaSotThiPol BE2555-57

Bucha Roon Kodsetthee Luangta Boonnar Wat PaSotThiPol BE2555-57. Blessed in 3 Taimak, with LP's handwritten yant. Height 16 inches, wide 11 inches.
伦哥锡铁供奉型金身,龙达伯纳Wat PaSotThiPol,佛历2555-57。由师傅加持了3个守夏季,有师傅手写经文。高度是16寸,宽度是11寸。
CODE: 409031

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Khunpen Phim Ork Yai Long Phor Aant Wat Phayatigaram BE2496

Khunpen Phim Ork Yai Long Phor Aant Wat Phayatigaram BE2496. Won No2 Placing in Thailand Amulet Competition in year 2013. Won No2 Placing in Thailand TOT Amulet Competition on 28th September 2014. Won No3 Placing in Thailand Pantip Amulet Competition on 12th October 2014.

Luang Phor Aant (or Luang Por Un), the former abbot of Wat Prayatikaram, Ayudhaya Province, was without doubt the most distinguished devotee of Luang Phor Glaan, the sacred abbot of the temple, famous for his sacred sciences and amulets. Whilst Luang Por Glaan was still alive, he would always appoint Luang Phor Aant to oversee the production of the amulets and after the amulets, which were finally blessed by Luang Phor Glaan himself. After Luang Por Glaan had passed away, Luang Phor Aant himself commanded much respect from the people as the natural successor to LP Glaan. He created many amulets, having learnt the art from LP Glaan. Probably his most famous of all was his Phra Khun Paen Klurb, the amulet featured here.
LP Aant made this Khun Paen by mixing the ground broken antique Khun Paen amulets of Wat YaiChaimongkol. One of the reasons that this amulet is so popular as it is as efficacious as the original antique one. Wat Yai Chai Mongkol was one of the most famous and prosperous temples during Ayudhaya dynasty, but was burnt and destroyed by Burmese soldiers around BE2310.

There were several Phims (styles) of Phra khunpan amulets that Luang Por Aant obtained from Wat Yai Chai Mongkol:

1.Phim Kan On, amulets with an image of a bowed-arm Buddha to the front.
2.Phim Ha Lium Oke Yai, amulets with an image of a wide-breasted Buddha to the front with a frame shaped as a pentagon.
3.Phim Phra Somdej, amulets with an image of Lord Buddha sitting on a high base.
4.Phim Phra Nang Phaya, amulets in the style of Phra Nang Phaya, the design of which originated some 1,000 years ago.

Other sacred materials from many other temples were also incorporated into the sacred mix, including powders from Wat Takrai, Wat Bangnomko, Wat Kooslot etc.

After all amulets were taken from the moulds they were blessed at a number of sacred ceremonies by the three sacred monks:

1. Three-month sacred-spell ceremony by Luang Por Aant himself
2. Three-day –three- night sacred-spell ceremony by Luang Por Jong of Wat Natangnok.
3. Three-day –three- night sacred-spell ceremony by Luang Poo Si of Wat Sakae.

After the blessing ceremonies were completed, half of the amulets were placed in Jedis at Wat Phra Yatigaram, Ayuthaya, and Wat Rajburana (Wat Lieb), Bangkok. The other half were distributed to devotees who donated to help restore the two temples. He was actually requested to make these amulets by Luang Phor Chalerm, later to be appointed abbot of Wat Yaitikaram and Luang Phor Niyom, Wat Rajburana.

Apart from this series of Pra Khunpen Klurb amulets, Luang Phor Aant also created many other series of sacred amulets including

1. BE2496 amulet, which was the most famous sacred series of metal coins of LP Aant.
2. BE2436 amulet

LP Aant passed away in B.E.2512 at the age of 80.

大胸模坤平佛,龙普安Wat PhraYatigaram,佛历2496。于2013年在泰国大型佛牌比赛中荣获第二名。最近于2014年9月28日,在泰国TOT大型佛牌比赛中荣获第二名。又在2014年10月12日,在泰国Pantip大型佛牌比赛中荣获第三名。

龙普安是阿育特雅府早期第一名师龙普甘(Wat PhraYatigaram)的得意弟子,龙普安尽得其师傅的真传,在龙普甘圆寂之后,龙普安便接替师傅出任Wat PhraYatigaram的主持。在佛历2496年,龙普安收集了很多特别材料制作这一批坤平佛牌,当中包括:
1. 大量屈曳切梦冠400年坤平佛牌碎片
2. 坤平币拍沙佛牌碎片
3. 拍屈凸契佛牌碎片
4. 拍劲旷格杰
5. 拍旷沙么
6. 屈龙普多埋塔佛牌 (200年)
7. 龙波班神兽牌
8. 龙波班神兽牌屈姑沙落
9. 大量古老佛塔内旧牌碎
10. 大量拍可依多旧牌碎
11. 大量来自曼谷有关人缘圣物
佛牌由以上多种特别材料,加上花粉、圣水及特别人缘圣物混合而成,龙普安制作了这批坤平佛牌之后,举办了三个大法会来加持开光,第一个大法会是由龙普安加持坤平佛牌三个月,第二个大法会是由龙普钟(Wat NangTanok)加持三天三夜,第三个大法会是龙普史(Wat Sakae)加持三天三夜。三个大法会完成之后才让人们供请。龙普安在佛历2512年园寂,年享80岁。


CODE: 410024

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Rian Roon Sorng 5 Rob (60 years old) Long Phor Pherm Wat Pom Kaew BE2531

Rian Roon Sorng 5 Rob (60 years old) Long Phor Pherm Wat Pom Kaew BE2531. Nur Thongdeang, made 5000 pieces only.
CODE: 401052

Friday, April 11, 2014

Phra Phong Kesa Roon Phisek, Long Phor Plien Wat Aranyawiwake BE2542

Phra Phong Kesa Roon Phisek, Long Phor  Plien Wat Aranyawiwake BE2542. Won No3 Placing in Thailand Mae Hong Son Amulet Competition on 27th April 2014.
特殊版头发经粉自身,龙婆彼莲Wat Aranyawiwet,佛历2542。于2014年4月27日,在泰国媚洪順佛牌比赛中荣获第三名次。
CODE: 405032

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Rian Paya Tao Setthi Luang Phor Phet Wat SaiThong BE2557

Rian Paya Setthi Luang Phor Phet Wat SaiThong
Rian Paya Tao Setthi Luang Phor Phet Wat SaiThong BE2557. Nur Chanuan Longdam with silver mask. Made 599 pieces only. Luang Phor Phet is the disciple of Luang Phor Liew Wat RaiTangThong. "Phet" in Thai meaning Diamond. Therefore local people also call him as Diamond Monk.
百万富翁财龟,龙婆Phet Wat SaiThong,佛历2557。老铜电镀黑料,加上银盖。只做了599尊而已。龙婆Phet是龙婆留Wat RaiTangThong的徒弟。“Phet”泰文的意思是钻石。所以当地居民也称师傅为钻石和尚。
CODE: 501025

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Lersi Kruba Khamfan Wat KorChoke BE2557. Silver coated blue

Lersi Kruba Khamfan Wat KorChoke BE2557
Lersi Kruba Khamfan Wat KorChoke BE2557. Silver coated blue. Made 50 pieces only. Inside has kring. Inserted with LP's hair & jeevorn. This batch is make for repair the rooftop of temple.
鲁士,古巴堪樊Wat KorChoke,佛历2557。电镀银蓝色,只做了50尊。里头有摇珠,也有师傅的头发以及袈裟。这批佛牌是为了修补寺庙的屋顶而制造的。
CODE: 406029

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Pidta Sorng Na Luang Phor Dam Wat Mai Naparam BE2535

Pidta Sorng Na Luang Phor Dam Wat Mai Naparam BE2535
Pidta Sorng Na Luang Phor Dam Wat Mai Naparam BE2535. Herb material, with LP's hair, bottom with copper code. Made around 20 pieces only.
CODE: 501035

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Nur Phong Roopmuen Long Phor Waen Sujinno Wat DoiMaePang BE2520

Nur Phong Roopmuen Long Phor Waen Sujinno Wat DoiMaePang BE2520. Made during his 89th birthday. Back with stone relic from Wat Thip Wanaram. Won No2 Placing in Thailand Chiangmai Amulet Competition on 31st August 2014.
自身粉牌,龙婆元瓦兜昧榜佛寺,佛历2520。在师傅89岁生日时制造。后面有来自Wat Thip Wanaram的石头舍利子。于2014年8月31日,在泰国清迈大型佛牌比赛中荣获第二名次。
CODE: 409015

Friday, April 4, 2014

Somdej Luang Phor Tong Wat Rachyota BE247x

Somdej Luang Phor Tong Wat Rachyota BE247x

Somdej Luang Phor Tong Wat Rachyota BE247x. It comes with Uamulet certificate for authenticity. Attached with Silver Waterproof casing.
崇迪佛,龙婆通Wat Rachyota,佛历247x。获得Uamulet佛牌协会颁发验证卡。配上精美防水银壳。
CODE: 502032

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Phra Phrom Phim Yai Long Phor Sie Wat Sakae BE2517-19

Phra Phrom Phim Yai Luang Phor Sie Wat Sakae BE2517-19. Nur Ngern, with LP's handwritten yant. It comes with Uamulet certificate for authenticity. It comes with Silver waterproof casing.
CODE: 409001

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

First Batch Phra Pitta Udomchoke Long Phor Prasit Wat PaaMooMai BE2549

First Batch Phra Pitta Udomchoke Long Phor Prasit Wat PaaMooMai BE2549. Won No2 Placing in Thailand Mae Hong Son Amulet Competition on 27th April 2014.
第一期比达佛,伦财富好运,龙婆帕习Wat PaaMooMai,佛历2549。于2014年4月27日,在泰国媚洪順佛牌比赛中荣获第二名次。
CODE: 405028